Unit1 Integrating skills: Making a difference. Let’s revise the new words: 1. 天才 -------- 2. 灵感 ------- 3. 汗水 -------- 4. 从事 ------ 5. 分析 -------- 6.


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Section B Period One __ has cool clothes. __ is talented in music. __ likes to do the same things as me. __ is good at sports. __ truly cares about me.
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Making a difference. Translation 一位有前途的学生 不可治愈的病 放弃吸烟 期望做 ---- 与 sb 订婚 继续他的研究 阻止某人做 梦想做 ---- 做讲座 在 20 世纪 70 年代 寻找问题的答案 宇宙的本质 根据 --- 另一方面 结果是错误的.
1. A company created by Bill Gates Microsoft 2. Not special, quite normal ----ordinary 3. Someone can ’ t see blind. Can you describe “ deaf.
explain : end up doing sth. 终止做某事, 结束做某事, 后面加动名词短语, 相当于 finish doing sth., 表示结束做某事, 事情已完成。 e.g. When we practice speaking English, we often end up speaking.
QQ/ 微信: 真实教育部认证永久存档, 100% 可查,可随我司工作人员一同前往教育部窗 口递交材料 + 全套文凭【诚招当地代理,有业余时 间的欢迎大家免费咨询,欢迎在校生 】 如果您,或者是您的同学朋友是以下情况,我们都能竭诚为您解决实际问题: 1 、在校期间,因各种原因未能顺利毕业,拿不到官方毕业证;
Presentation transcript:

Unit1 Integrating skills: Making a difference

Let’s revise the new words: 1. 天才 灵感 汗水 从事 分析 显然的 genius inspiration perspiration work on/undertake analysis obvious

 7. 引文  8. 农学  9. 重力  10. 放射性  11. 好奇的  12. 分科  13. 辩论  14. 生物学家 quote agriculture gravity radioactivity curious branch debate biologist

15. 边界 生物学家 毕业生 探索 (n.) 探究, 调查 (n.) 有前途的 理论 寻找 boundary biologist graduate exploration research promising theory seek

 23. 误解  24. 医不好的  25. 科学的  26. 观察 (n.)  27. 相配  28. 梦想  29. 预言  30. 罪 misunderstand incurable scientific observation match dream of predict crime

31. 望远镜 显微镜 忍耐的 有才智的 地理学家 进行实验 与某人订婚 -- telescope microscope patient intelligent geographer experiment be engaged to sb

38. 对 … 表示满意 看 用光, 用完 结果是 梦想 继续某种行为 相反的 对 … 表示满意 看 用光, 用完 结果是 梦想 继续某种行为 相反的 be satisfied with take a look at use up turn out dream of go on with the other way around

Francis Bacon Galileo Galilei Zhang Heng Galileo Galilei showed us that the earth moves around the sun, not the other way around. Zhang Heng made maps of the stars and showed us how the position of the stars changed from season to season. “Knowledge is power”.

ScientistsProfessionBe famous for Italy astronomer New discoveries about the Big Bang and black hole He showed us that the earth moves around the sun, not the other way around British theoretical physicist and Mathematician Chinese astronomer and geographer He made maps of the stars and showed how the position of stars changes from season to season.

CharacteristicsHints ( 提示, 线索 ) curious want to know more never satisfied with a simple answer always look for new questions Ask why, how, and what if Creative& imaginative Must be creative and use their imagination all the time Confident& persistent Must believe in what we do, even others do not They overcame the difficulties. What are the characteristics of great scientists?

What do great scientists have in common? How did they make such achievement? Always want to know more; Never being satisfied with a simple answer; Always looking for new questions; Always asking why, how and what if; Believing in what they do; Being curious, creative, imaginative, confident, careful, knowledgeable, hard-working, intelligent, conscientious; Being full of creativity, imagination, confidence, curiosity, intelligence;

Language points

1. It is not necessary to be a great scientist to make a difference in this world. make a difference to make some difference to make no difference to make all the difference 对 …… 有些关系 有很大差别(不同);有很大关系 对 …… 没有关系 关系重大,大不相同

2.We must also believe in what we do even when others don’t. Believe believe in believe (feel sure of the truth of sth. ; that sb.is telling the truth ; be of the opinion that) 相信(某事的真实性, 人的诚实)认为(可与宾语从句连用)。 believe in (feel sure of the existence of) 相信 …… 存在 他信仰共产主义。 He __________ communism. believe sb. 是 “ 相信某人说的话是真的 ” 即某一次具体的判断 believe in sb. 指较长时间觉得某人可靠,值得信任。 I believe him.(= I believe want he says is true.) I believe in him.(= I believe that he is a good and honest man.) believes in

3. People laughed at Zhang Heng when he first introduced his seismograph, and it was only later that the world recognized his greatness. 句子 it was only later that the world … 是 ______ 句型。 强调

4. Everyone has his or her special skills and interests, and only by discovering what we do best can we hope to reach our goals and truly make a difference. 陈述句以 only 开始时,后面接状语,应 当用部分倒装: 如:当他讲出那个单词后,他才意识到犯 了个大错误。 Only after he spoke out the word ___________ realize he had made a big mistake. did he

Let’s discuss the last para4:  Perhaps the most important thing if we want to make a difference is to find something that we like to do and that we are good at. Knowing who we are means knowing how we think and what we like to do. Everyone has his or her special skills and interests, and also only by discovering what we do best can we hope to reach our goals and truly make a difference.   Perhaps the most important thing if we want to make a difference is to find something that we like to do and that we are good at. Knowing who we are means knowing how we think and what we like to do. Everyone has his or her special skills and interests, and also only by discovering what we do best can we hope to reach our goals and truly make a difference. We can hope to reach our goals and truly make a difference only by discovering what we do test.

Who is your favourite scientist? outline Main idea Supporting paragraphs Conclusion

Homework Finish writing your favourite scientist.

What does the title mean? How can you make a difference? Find something that we like to do and that we are good at—discover what we do best Making a difference 与众不同 / 有所作为