23 March 2010 Financial Sector Deepening Trust FinScope 2009
FinScope – scope of survey 2006 survey: first nationally representative financial consumer perception survey Sample size 4, survey: regionally as well as nationally representative Sample size 7,680
Nationally representative sample
Demographics, Education & Income
Population pyramid: age & gender
Demographics female – male adult population
Demographics urban – rural population
Demographics urban – rural female / male based on the national estimates for 2009
Highest level of education reached
Source of income Respondents with more than one source of income could choose multiple answers
Access Strand
Access Strand Definitions of the detailed Access Strand can be found in the pocket at the back of this brochure
Access Strand - detailed Definitions of the detailed Access Strand can be found in the pocket at the back of this brochure
Access Strand – detailed urban/rural Definitions of the detailed Access Strand can be found in the pocket at the back of this brochure
Access Strand – detailed urban/rural (absolute numbers) Definitions of the detailed Access Strand can be found in the pocket at the back of this brochure
Access to finance of income source
Regions with more than 14% of their population formally included
Regions with 70% or more financially excluded
The excluded by age groups 2006 and 2009
Landscape of access Transactions Insurance Credit Savings
Banking outreach Percentage change (reference 2006) Number of people currently banked in 20061,467,815 Number of people currently banked in 20091,951,31033% Number of people previously banked in ,792 Number of people previously banked in ,98622% Number of people never banked in ,621,136 Number of people never banked in ,262,202-7% Total adult population in ,365,808 Total adult population in ,349,43210%
Movement in adult population who use banks
Reasons for never applying for a loan Multiple answers possible
Reasons for not having savings and investment products
Reasons for not having a bank account
Financial literacy 2009
Over 70% of the adult population wants to be educated or informed about…
Education and level of financial access are closely correlated
Reasons for not having an insurance product
SACCOS membership
Informally included ROSCA: Rotating Savings & Credit Association ASCA: Accumulating Savings & Credit Association
Reasons for not belong to any informal savings group or society
Adult Tanzanians who save with and borrow from friends & family
Informally served adult Tanzanians who save with and borrow from friends & family
Mobile phones
Mobile phone usage by region
23 March 2010 Financial Sector Deepening Trust THANK YOU!