Sample Assessment Packet Presentation Emily Weisman – Fall 2015
3.1) Chapter has an academic enhancement program The AB chapter of XYZ creates a study buddy system for our members. This pairs up an older member with a younger member with the same/similar major to serve as a resource for class selection, studying help, etc. Our chapter also created a google doc survey for each member to fill out about courses they have taken in the past, with which professor and level of difficulty the course was. This was to serve as a resource to the chapter to help with course enrollment. Insert screen shot of google doc survey here Insert picture of study buddy session here
5.1) Risk Management Program Brief description of the event, how many members in your chapter were in attendance, and how it benefits your chapter and reduces risk. Example: A representative from our Nationals came to present a powerpoint about how XYZ nationally reduces risk. 86 members of our chapter were there. This was a great way to see risk management from a bigger picture. INSERT PICTURE OF YOUR CHAPTER AT ITS RISK MANAGEMENT EVENT HERE
5.2) Chapter hosts 3 rd party vendor events Where was the event? When was it held? How did hosting a third party vendor event benefit your chapter? Picture during the event Scanned copy of paperwork submitted to register the event
7.3) Receive National Award What awards were won? What does this award mean? Did the chapter as a whole win them or an individual member? If it was an award for the whole chapter, what made your chapter qualify to win it? Insert picture of the award, member holding the award, picture of chapter receiving the award (at convention, etc.)
9.1) Chapter attending Leadership events Name of event(s) (Example: LDP presentation at a chapter meeting, Emerging Leaders, Leadershape) Percentage of members at the event(s) Why this program was beneficial in developing leadership skills? Insert picture from event 1 Insert picture from event 2 Insert picture from event 3
10.1) Chapter attending Healthy Living & Wellness events Name of event(s) Percentage of members at the event(s) Why this program was beneficial in developing healthy living and wellness skills? Insert picture from event 1 Insert picture from event 2 Insert picture from event 3
11.6) Chapter hosts brotherhood/sisterhood building activities Name of event(s) Percentage of members at the event(s) Why this program was beneficial in developing brother/sisterhood? What took place at this event? Insert picture from event 1 Insert picture from event 2
11.7) Chapter sponsors alcohol-free social event When were these events? Where were these events? What took place at these events? How many members from the chapter were in attendance? (%) Insert picture from event 1 Insert picture from event 2 Insert picture from event 3
12.1) Chapter attending Cultural Engagement events Name of event(s) Percentage of members at the event(s) Why this program was beneficial in developing appreciation for other culture? Insert picture from event 1 Insert picture from event 2 Insert picture from event 3
13.1) Chapter attending Professional/Career Development events Name of event(s) Percentage of members at the event(s) Why this program was beneficial for professional/career development? Insert picture from event 1 Insert picture from event 2 Insert picture from event 3
14.1) Chapter attending Self-Understanding and Introspection events Name of event(s) Percentage of members at the event(s) Why this program was beneficial for self- understanding and introspection? Insert picture from event 1 Insert picture from event 2 Insert picture from event 3
15.1) Chapter attends college events Name of the event(s) Percentage of chapter at each event Insert picture from event 1 Insert picture from event 2 Insert picture from event 3
15.4) Chapter (or chapter members) are recognized at TCNJ Student Leadership Awards What award was won? What qualified your chapter (or your member) to win this award? Picture of chapter/member receiving award at the ceremony Screen shot of from The College inviting you to the awards ceremony
16.1) Chapter attends community service events Name of the event(s) Percentage of chapter at each event Insert picture from event 1 Insert picture from event 2 Insert picture from event 3
17.1) Chapter attends philanthropy events Name of the event(s) Percentage of chapter at each event Insert picture from event 1 Insert picture from event 2 Insert picture from event 3
18.1) Participate in other chapters' events Name of the event(s) Percentage of chapter at each event Insert picture from event 1 Insert picture from event 2 Insert picture from event 3
19.1) Chapter conducts event with alumni Name of the event(s) Number of alumni in attendance What was the event? When was the event? Insert picture from event 1 Insert picture from event 2 Insert picture from event 3
19.4) Chapter Supports Reunion Weekend Insert picture of chapter supporting the event Explanation of how the chapter supported the weekend