By: Kevin Dang Trae Watlington Cade DiCarlo
Adele Varens- Brought to Thornfield by Rochester after her mother abandoned her. She was Janes pupil at Thornfield. Brocklehurst- The mean and hypocritical headmaster of the Lowood school. Brocklehursts dishonesty is brought to light after a typhus epidemic.
Chestnut Tree- The tree represents Rochester and Janes split but also Rochester losing a part of himself because he cant recover from their split. Diana Rivers- She is the cousin of Jane and the sister of St. John. She ian example for Jane to see an independent and educated woman.s
Edward Rochester- Edward Rochester- Janes employer and the master of Thornfield. His secret provdes the majority of the suspense in the novel. Mrs. Fairfax- The housekeeper at Thornfield. She is the first to tell Jane that the laughter she hears in the halls is Grace Pooles.
Grace Poole- Bertha Masons keeper at Thornfield. Bertha escapes often due to Graces frequent drinking. Ms. Fairfax tells Jane that Berthas misdeeds are Graces fault. Helen Burns- Helen is Jane’s first true childhood friend in the novel in which treats Jane with great compassion and a loving camaraderie. Helen is portrayed as extremely calm and passionate about her faith in which concludes in death from the typhus disease
Blanche Ingram- Blanche is a beautiful, wealth driven woman in which only seeks marriage from Rochester because of his affluent riches. In reality Rochester is knowingly not going to marry her but only uses her as a tool of jealous in order to get Jane. Jane Eyre- The central character in the novel, Jane is very intelligent and kind but in the course of the novel she undergoes mistreatment from characters such as Mr. Brocklehurst, Mrs. Reed, Grace Poole, Miss Scatcherd and many others. Being that she is the protagonist in the book she experiences many tribulations that attribute themselves to the fact that Jane is a brave advocate of equality between the sexes. She continuous to stay strong in times of hardship in which alludes to the idea of what Victorian age woman were not like.
Lowood- One of the most important phases in Jane’s life was spent at the charity school for girls. This was where she grew into a mature and intellectual woman even though she had to endure the wrath of some psychotic teachers in an oppresive school.
Maria Temple- Miss Temple is Jane’s most admired teacher here at the school. She had always treated her with compassion and kindness through the difficult times at Lowood such as in the lying ordeal. Nemesis- throughout the novel Jane accumulated many nemeses but not through any of her disrespect, such as Mr. Brocklehurst’s hatred at the school, Grace Poole at the Thornfield Manor and Mrs. Reed in Gateshead.
Rosamond Oliver- she is a beautiful woman that gives donations to the school that Jane works at in Morton. She is the potential wife of St. John but would be an unsuitable one due to her frivolous nature. Madame Perriot- one of Jane’s teachers at Lowood. French teacher.
Mrs. Reed- the cruel and cynical step-aunt of Jane in which treats her with extreme disrespect after her uncle john dies. She turns her three children Georgiana, John, and Eliza against Jane that ends up with Jane bruised and ready to leave no matter if she is going to a miserable school for orphans.
St John Rivers- Shown to us as a handsome, perfect man but actually turns out to be a person caught too much in his so called passion for Christianity which happens to just be this overwhelming desire for fame and brilliance. Throughout the novel he repeatedly asked for Jane’s hand in marriage but is continuously turned down. Also he turns out to be her cousin. Thornfield- one of the main settings in the novel, this is where Jane is given a job as a the governess in the manor for a girl named adele, and is where she finds her true love Rochester.
Uncle John- Jane’s Uncle and the one who planned the adopting of her. This character is important due to the act that he passed away and still presented himself as a prominent figure to Jane in the novel. Celine Varens- the woman whom Rochester had an affair with in the past. She gave birth to Jane’s pupil Adele but then abandoned her and accused Rochester of being the father. Alice Wood- an orphan that was hired by Rosamond Oliver. Her main importance was that she had helped assist Jane at the school in Morton.
Clip Art Jane Eyre by Charlotte Bronte