By: Daniele Sulano & Michael Lee April 20, 2001
1. Poverty - The state of one who lacks a usual or socially acceptable amount of money or material possessions. Poverty is said to exist when people lack the means to satisfy their basic needs. 2.We think homeless people have no jobs, no money, no homes,and they live in the streets. 3. Homeless people become homeless because there are many reasons like family problems, run away children,alcoholic, gambling and they spent all their money on drugs.
Broken Line Graph
1991 Statistics On Poverty Level of Poverty By Age
Sample Survey asked to teens and adults 1.Do you think the majority of “street kids’’ choose to be homeless, or are they forced into it because of certain circumstances? A.Choose to be homeless. B.Are forced into homelessness. 2. In your opinion, what is the most common cause of teenage homelessness? A. Their parents are homeless. B. They are running away from abuse. C. They are drug addicts or alcoholics. D. Their parents throw them out of the house 3. What do you think is the best way to deal with teenage homelessness A.Send them back to there parents B. Place them in group home shelters C. Educate kids and train them for the work force D. Don’t do anything.Homelessness is there choice.
Survey:Frequency Table
Circle Graph Of Survey
Conclusion In this project Michael and I learned a lot of stuff.And some of the questions were challenging but we worked together and we solved these questions.This project helped us learn things that we never knew about.