Alcohol & Narcotics HAYLIE ECHAVARRIA AMY GONZALEZ COSMO HALTERMAN DE OCHOA Ashley Silva Leslie Flores Samantha Castro Edgar S.
Alcohol High doses of alcohol can put people to sleep and can be poisonous Blurs vision Loss of balance Loss of concentration Affects judgement Alcohol is addictive Too much drinking can lead to hear and liver problems
narcotics Are used to relive pain and induce sleep Opium poppy plant is a common ingredient in heroin, morphine and codeine Withdrawal symptoms: cramps, chills, rapid heartbeat, insomnia, diaherrea
marijuana Marijuana is a hallucinogenic drug. It may produce feelings of relaxation and mild hallucinations. Marijuana impairs perception and coordination making it difficult to operate machines, including cars. It also impairs memory and learning. Marijuana can cause anxiety and confusion, it increases the heart rate up to 150 beats per minute, and in some people blood pressure. 100 years ago weed was used to treat headaches or minor aches. Strong intoxication gives users frightening experiences
detoxification Removal of harmful substances from the body. Commonly used for people addicted to alcohol and narcotics
Maintenance programs Used for those addicted to narcotics This treatment is controversial because they never become free of the drug
Counseling Individually or in a group (used to treat stimulant and depressant abuse)
Nicotine Can be smoked and chewed. Nicotine reduces appetite and raises the rate of the body changes, food to energy. Smoking has been associated with serious health risk. (lung cancer, heart disease, other illnesses) Secondhand smoke is connected with lung cancer, breathing problems and other illness
Cocaine A stimulant delivered fro the leaves of the coca plant, which groups in South America cocaine produces feelings of pleasure, reduces hunger, deadens pain, and boosts self-confidence. Cocaine might kill you due to the decrease of oxygen in your heart and the acceleration of the heart.
Amphetamines Another kind of stimulant. They're taken in the form of pills. People who take amphetamines sometimes experience hallucinations. Use of amphetamines can also cause the user to have delusion.
LSD Lysergic acid diethylamide aka acid Said to “open new worlds” After high people are unable to remember their discoveries Can have “ bad trip” where users injure or kill themselves Lasting effects= memory loss, nightmares, panic attacks, violent outburst Can experience flashbacks Possibly from chemical charges in the brain
Support Groups Connect addicts together Provide emotional/ moral support Alcoholics anonymous (AA) Everyone getting sober and shoring experience