Quality Education for a Healthier Scotland Pharmacy Critical Appraisal Skills Basic I NHS Education Scotland Produced in collaboration with the Association.


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Presentation transcript:

Quality Education for a Healthier Scotland Pharmacy Critical Appraisal Skills Basic I NHS Education Scotland Produced in collaboration with the Association of Scottish Medicines Information Pharmacists Group

Quality Education for a Healthier Scotland Pharmacy What is critical appraisal? This is the term given to describe the skills used when reading a paper to enable one to assess the validity (i.e. how close to truth) and usefulness (i.e. can the results be applied to your practice) of the results. Forms an integral part of evidence based medicine (EBM).

Quality Education for a Healthier Scotland Pharmacy What is EBM? EBM is the judicious use of current best evidence, combined with clinical experience, to make decisions about patient care.

Quality Education for a Healthier Scotland Pharmacy 5 key steps that underpin EBM Define the specific question to be answered. Find the best evidence to answer the question. Critically evaluate the evidence to assess it validity and usefulness. Apply the results of the critical evaluation to practice. Evaluate the performance of the intervention.

Quality Education for a Healthier Scotland Pharmacy Why do we need evidence? Resources should only be allocated to interventions that are effective. The only way of judging effectiveness is EVIDENCE!

Quality Education for a Healthier Scotland Pharmacy What are “good” sources of evidence? Less reliable sources Glossy literature from pharmaceutical companies Press releases from pharmaceutical companies Magazines such as Pulse Advertisements in medical journals Conference abstracts about clinical trials Trusted sources Scottish Medicines Consortium SIGN NICE Knowledge Network Peer reviewed clinical journals Summaries of information published by NHS bodies (e.g. UKMi Q&As)

Quality Education for a Healthier Scotland Pharmacy Hierarchy of evidence Evidence comes in different forms and can be ranked in terms of importance. Quite often there may not be any high-levels of evidence to support a clinical intervention. In these cases it may be necessary to use evidence from the lower end of the hierarchy scale.

Quality Education for a Healthier Scotland Pharmacy Expert opinion/ clinical experience from respected sources Case series then Case reports Cross sectional surveys Case control studies Cohort studies RCTs Systematic reviews Meta- analyses Hierarchy of evidence

Quality Education for a Healthier Scotland Pharmacy Format of clinical trials Clinical trials are usually written in a standard format. This normally consists of: »Title »Authors »Abstract – contains a brief summary of the trial. »Introduction »Methods »Results »Discussion »Conclusion

Quality Education for a Healthier Scotland Pharmacy Key questions to ask when assessing how valid and useful a clinical trial is Patient or population – does the trial assess a commonly seen clinical condition and were the patients studied similar to your patient? Intervention – what was the medicine being tested? Was it used at the normal dose? Comparison – What was the experimental medicine compared to? Trials that compare a new medicine to a placebo are not useful when trying to decide where the medicine fits into current practice. Outcome – Was the end-point relevant to the patient (i.e. was it patient- oriented like a reduction in risk for a having a heart attack)?

Quality Education for a Healthier Scotland Pharmacy Outcomes Patient orientated Outcomes that directly improve the outcome for patients. e.g. Reduction in hip fracture; improved cardiovascular mortality; prevention of a stroke Disease orientated Outcomes that are the result of a change to a disease characteristic e.g. Change in bone mineral density; lowering of blood pressure; a reduction in cholesterol

Quality Education for a Healthier Scotland Pharmacy Surrogate outcomes Outcomes that are not patient-orientated are surrogate outcomes. Often physiological or biochemical markers Cannot always assume that they are always a good indication of disease progression or improved survival.

Quality Education for a Healthier Scotland Pharmacy Three key factors affecting the results of a trial The intervention Bias – researchers take steps to minimise by use of a control group, randomisation and blinding but some biases can still exist. Chance – statistical tests are used to assess this.

Quality Education for a Healthier Scotland Pharmacy Types of Statistics Descriptive Summarises or describes the sample [Please note that for purposes of critical appraisal this type will not be discussed in this training package]. Inferential Concerned with generalising from the sample to make inferences and estimates about a wider population.

Quality Education for a Healthier Scotland Pharmacy Inferences and Estimates Inferences Can conclusions be drawn from the sample be generalised to the population? e.g. If a better response is seen with a medicine in a sample will it hold true in the general population Help answer whether results may have occurred by chance in the trial. Estimates Given an observed size of effect in the sample, what is the likely value (or range of values) you will see in the population? Help assess usefulness of a trial.

Quality Education for a Healthier Scotland Pharmacy Inferential Statistics

Quality Education for a Healthier Scotland Pharmacy There are 1 of 2 assumptions made for interventions in clinical trials: –Null hypothesis (i.e. no difference between the control group and the experimental group). –Alternative hypothesis (i.e. there is a difference between the control group and the experimental group). Generally it is the null hypothesis that is assumed however. Hypothesis Testing

Quality Education for a Healthier Scotland Pharmacy The probability that a difference will be seen between 2 interventions in a clinical trial. Measured on a scale of 0 (impossible for event to happen) to 1 (the event will certainly happen) i.e. P = 1 would always happen P = 0.05 would happen 1 time in 20 P = 0.02 would happen 1 time in 50 P = 0.01 would happen 1 time in 100 P = would happen 1 time in 1000 Probability (P)

Quality Education for a Healthier Scotland Pharmacy If p-value is less than 1 in 20 (p<0.05) then the result is regarded as being statistically significant; and the possibility of the difference observed arising by chance is low => If this is the case then one can reject the null Hypothesis P values

Quality Education for a Healthier Scotland Pharmacy The probability that a test will detect a real difference in treatment outcomes in a sample if it is present in the population Usually expressed as a percentage and often set at 80-90% Power

Quality Education for a Healthier Scotland Pharmacy Power and Sample Size Sample size determinants: Size of the difference being investigated Level of significance

Quality Education for a Healthier Scotland Pharmacy Errors that can arise when drawing conclusions from data Type 1 error (alpha) The data suggests a difference between the groups when there is really no difference = False positive Often called significance level A level of significance of p<0.05 represents a 5% probability of making a type 1 error

Quality Education for a Healthier Scotland Pharmacy Errors that can arise when drawing conclusions from data Type 2 error (beta) The results fail to pick up a real difference that exists between the groups, and a conclusion is made that no difference exists = False negative 100-(power)% is the probability of making a type 2 error

Quality Education for a Healthier Scotland Pharmacy Population Estimates

Quality Education for a Healthier Scotland Pharmacy A tool for inferring the characteristics / parameters of a whole population from the measurements in one sample One of the most widely misused terms in statistics In 95% of cases the ‘True Population Mean’ will lie within +/-2 SEM of the sample mean SEM = SD  n Should NEVER be used instead of SD to indicate dispersion of measurements Standard Error of the Mean (SEM)

Quality Education for a Healthier Scotland Pharmacy Represents the range of values within which the true population mean lies. Indicate the precision (or imprecision) with which a study sample estimates the true population value for the whole population. Important role whenever we wish to apply results of a clinical study to the general population Narrower the range the more reliable the results Confidence Intervals (CI)

Quality Education for a Healthier Scotland Pharmacy Confidence Intervals Calculated by adding and subtracting multiples of the standard error of the mean to and from the sample mean 95% confidence interval normally used (i.e. can be 95% confident that the population value lies within this interval); or alternatively stated that there is a 1 in 20 chance (5%) that the true value lies outside the range quoted. The narrower the CI, the more confident you can be the sample represents the population

Quality Education for a Healthier Scotland Pharmacy Comparing means: No difference if CI overlap (i.e. even though 2 mean values may differ, extensive overlap of their respective CIs may suggest that the difference is not statistically significant) When comparing differences between means: No difference if CI includes 0 For proportions (e.g. RR): No differences if CI includes 1 For further information on this topic: -Statistics in divided doses: Number 8 (July 2005).Produced by the North West Medicines Information Service. Available at How to Interpret?

Quality Education for a Healthier Scotland Pharmacy Estimation Statistics Help assess “usefulness of the trial” by determining clinical importance and magnitude of the benefit by using data to estimate a range of probable values for the population.

Quality Education for a Healthier Scotland Pharmacy Example study GroupTotal Number of patients in each group Pain free within 2 hours Intervention Group (Received Drug X) Control Group (Received Placebo)

Quality Education for a Healthier Scotland Pharmacy Definition: The proportion of patients in whom an event is observed Control Event Rate (CER) Vs Experimental Event Rate (EER) Event Rates

Quality Education for a Healthier Scotland Pharmacy Control Event Rate (CER) = Event Rate in control group Total patients in control group Example CER = 96/1128 = (9%) Control Event Rate

Quality Education for a Healthier Scotland Pharmacy Experimental Event Rate (EER) = Event Rate in experimental group Total patients in experimental group Example EER = 845/2073 = 0.41 (41%) Experimental Event Rate

Quality Education for a Healthier Scotland Pharmacy Absolute Risk Reduction (ARR) is way of expressing differences between groups. It is the difference in the event rate between the control event rate (CER) and the experimental event rate (EER). ARR = CER-EER Example ARR = 9-41 = -32 Absolute Risk Reduction

Quality Education for a Healthier Scotland Pharmacy Is an alternative means of expressing the difference between groups as a percentage The Relative Risk Reduction (RRR) is the percent reduction in events in the experimental event rate (EER) and the control event rate (CER). RRR = (CER-EER) X 100 CER Example RRR = (9-41/9) X 100 = 356% Relative Risk Reduction

Quality Education for a Healthier Scotland Pharmacy Why calculate?  Sometimes the trial may just state “the treatment reduced the risk” but does not state whether this is relative risk reduction or absolute risk reduction. Obviously the relative risk reduction looks more impressive since a larger number. Be aware of this and use the figures given to calculate both.  Neither RRR or ARR are intuitive ways to look at data. Numbers needed to Treat (NNT) is the more relevant way to look at the figures.

Quality Education for a Healthier Scotland Pharmacy Definition: The number of people who needed to be treated to produce one particular clinical outcome (e.g. How many patients need to receive Drug X instead of placebo to allow one patient to be pain free at 2 hours?) NNT = ____1____ or ____1____ CER-EER ARR Example NNT = 1/32 = 3 Numbers Needed to Treat (NNT)

Quality Education for a Healthier Scotland Pharmacy Numbers Needed to Harm (NNH) This value can be similarly calculated when looking at adverse effects in a clinical trial. It is the number of patients you would need to treat with the experimental medicine (rather than the placebo or control) for one additional patient to suffer an adverse effect. »NNH = 1/(EER-CER)

Quality Education for a Healthier Scotland Pharmacy Example NNH Medicine Y is given to patients for treatment of hypertension. 12 of the 4000 patients given medicine Y experience a rash compared with 2 out of 3000 given placebo. CER = 2/3000 = EER = 12/4000 = NNH = 1/ ( ) = 428 Therefore 428 patients must be treated with medicine Y rather than placebo for an additional 1 patient to have an adverse effect.

Quality Education for a Healthier Scotland Pharmacy Relative Risk The relative risk (RR) is the size of the effect in the experimental group relative to the size of the effect in the control group. The relative risk is often quoted in a clinical trial paper. RR = CER/EER Example RR= 9/41 = 0.21 A relative risk of 1.0 means that there is no difference between the experimental and control groups. This result shows a RR < 1.0 indicating that the patients on the medication are more likely to be pain free at 2 hours than those receiving placebo.

Quality Education for a Healthier Scotland Pharmacy The ratio of patients in the treatment group succumbing to a particular end point compared to the control group Compares the probability of the event occurring with the probability that it will not occur. If >1 = event more likely to happen If <1 = event less likely to happen Odds Ratio (OR)

Quality Education for a Healthier Scotland Pharmacy The odds ratio must be calculated first for control and treatment group: In isolation it is difficult to imagine what this figure means but an OR of 1 means that the two groups were equally likely to be pain free within 2 hours. An OR higher than 1 means that the treatment group was more likely to experience the event (pain free within 2 hours) than the control group. An OR of less than 1 would mean that the treatment group was less likely to be pain free at 2 hours. In this case the OR was 8 so the treatment group was 8x more likely to be pain free at 2 hours. Odds Ratio (II)

Quality Education for a Healthier Scotland Pharmacy Summary Don’t always believe everything you read! Choose your source of evidence wisely and systematically to answer your question. Use estimation statistics to help evaluate usefulness and clinical importance of a trial. Utilise population estimates to determine how reflective of the true population the trial results are likely to be. Statistical significance does not always equate to clinical significance. There is a lot of information available but you have to choose the best evidence available. Remember that all evidence is not equal!

Quality Education for a Healthier Scotland Pharmacy References Brignell J. How do Relative Risk and Odds Ratio compare? (April 2006). Available at Burls A. What is Critical Appraisal in Evidenced Based Medicine 2nd ed. Oxford: University of Oxford. Available at DeCaro, S. A. A student's guide to the conceptual side of inferential statistics (2003). Available from Easton V, McColl JH. Confidence Intervals in Statistics Glossary V1.1. Available from Greenhalgh T. How to read a paper: The basics of evidence based medicine 2nd edition. London: BNJ Books Swinscow TDV, Campbell MJ. Statistics at Square One 10th edition. London: British Medical Association Statistics in Divided Doses, Assessing the reliability of a sample (Number 3). North West Medicines Information Service (September 2001). Available at Statistics in Divided Doses, Variability, probability and power (Number 4). North West Medicines Information Service (May 2002). Available at Statistics in Divided Doses, First steps in analysis - comparing the means of large samples (Number 5). North West Medicines Information Service (November 2002). Available at Statistics in Divided Doses, Confidence intervals (Number 8). North West Medicines Information Service (July 2005). Available at Wills S et al. Critical Appraisal of Clinical Trials E-learning Module via NHS Education South Central. Available for free registration at