By: Tyler Wade & Troy Parrish
individual learners construct mental models to understand the world around them LOGO connected with experimental learning Builds on Jean Piagets epistemological theory of constructivism
“Turtle” The theory that children can use technology Designed to help children be creative and self- motivated First time children were able to teach themselves Could Write and make Graphics
Used to inform about LOGO Encouraged people to use LOGO Lead to the writing of Paperts book Mindstorms: Children, Computers and Powerful Ideas.
Computer-based learning environment called the Microworld. learning will profoundly affect the quality of knowledge gained natural knowledge building mechanisms of children first large-scale attempts to mediate educational computer-based technology
LOGO has paved the way for many user friendly programming languages i.e. Syntax language, Loops, I/O Is used a lot in math classes plotting points and graphing lines drawing and measuring lines and angles Allows children to explore math visually
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