Immediate Objectives 1. To describe the physical basis for clock retardation experimental results (e.g., particle lifetimes) 2. To describe the physical.


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Presentation transcript:

Immediate Objectives 1. To describe the physical basis for clock retardation experimental results (e.g., particle lifetimes) 2. To describe the physical basis for length contraction experimental results (e.g., Michelson- Morley experiment) 3. To explain why Einstein’s theory happens to give correct results, despite being based on unsupported postulates 4. Show that 1, 2, and 3 are consistent with the behavior of fractal particles in the fractal cosmos

19 th Century Soups Maxwell’s Choice Aether Tom Young’s Aether Huygens Aether Luminiferous Ether

Orbital Speed 30 km/sec relative to ether Aether Soup: Fixed velocity (zero ) relative to ether Velocity of light 300,000 km/sec relative to ether Velocity of light 300,000 km/sec relative to ether

James Clerk Maxwell Dies1879Where’s the soup Albert Michelson and Edward C. Morley 1887No soup detected George Fitzgerald1889Length contraction Hendrick Antoon Lorentz1895Lorentz-Fitzgerald contraction H.A Lorentz1904 Lorentz transformation includes Length contraction and clock retardation ( quite detailed ) Albert Einstein1905 Psedudo-derivation of Lorentz transformation A. Einstein1905E= mc 2 Something missing Here for 100 years


The Fractal Cosmos: A Galilean Multiverse GR QFT

R0R0 Substrate of a Fractal Universe, Radius = R 0 3D Standing Wave = 4r 0

Derivation of Clock Retardation

Derivation of Length Contraction

Trigonometric Addition of Moving Waves

Is Einstein’s Relativity Theory Superfluous? Einstein special theory of relativity Step 1. Assumes two principles: Relativity (indistinguishable reference frames) Constant speed of light. Step 2. Derives L-T Step 3. Physical Meaning Unknown Fractal mechanics Step 1. Shows physical basis for clock retardation Step 2. Shows physical basis for L-F contraction Step 3. L-T follows for specific measurement methodologies Step 4. Two principles follow from L-T

Superfluous Vs. Preposterous Friends, Romans, countrymen, lend me your ears; I come to bury [Einstein], not to praise him. The evil that men do lives after them; The good is oft interred with their bones; William Shakespeare, “Julius Caesar,” Act 3, Scene 2