Einstein’s General Relativity and Time Travel Introduce the topic and get the audience involved by asking them where they might go if they could travel through time. Where would you go?
I’ve Always Loved Time Travel Talk about personal interest in the topic and how it has invaded every aspect of our pop culture.
How We Think of “Absolute Time” Sir Isaac Newton’s “Absolute Time” (1600’s) Time is a force of nature separate from us that moves at the same rate for all of us Explain our traditional view of time, given to us by Sir Isaac Newton. Yes, sometimes we perceive time moving slow or fast but that’s just a trick our mind plays on us Time Travel is Impossible!
Einstein Discovers “Relative Time” in 1905 Time, Space, and Gravity are intertwined (not separate) and can affect each other! Time is relative and can move at different rates for different people! This means your present isn’t necessarily my present. Time Travel is Possible! Explain how Einstein shattered this notion of time.
The Time-Space-Gravity Demo Use three pint glasses to explain Einstein’s Theory of Relativity in easy to understand terms. Time (clock) Space (speed) Gravity (weight)
How Could You Possibly Test This? Cesium Atomic Clock Accurate to within 1 second over 100 million years! Explain how we confirmed this to be true. Add A Space Shuttle Clock (orbiting the Earth at 17,000mph + near orbit microgravity) Start With A Ground Clock (stationary, normal Earth Gravity) Space Shuttle Clock ran slower than the ground clock! Confirming time travel!
So all you need to Time Travel is… Conclude the presentation with a catalog of the types of time travel that are possible and impossible. OR A Really Fast Ship! Super Strong Gravity!