Section 2 The Neolithic Age
The Neolithic Age Also called “New Stone Age” 8,000 B.C. Moving from food gatherers to food producers
Moving from food gatherers….. ….to food producers.
Farming: “Neolithic Revolution”: Discoveries included: Learning how to grow food Learning how to herd animals
Early Farming Parts of the world developed agriculture differently SW Asia grew wheat & barley E. Asia grew millet, rice, & soybeans
E. Asia SW Asia
Herding Herding began when men cornered and “fenced in” wild herds Slowly some animals became domesticated (tamed)
Evolution of Farming Civilization Begins Hunter-Gatherers Farming Agriculture: growing crops & raising animals Permanent Shelters Increased Food Supply Healthier Lived Longer Population Grew Specialization of Labor (skills) Civilization Begins