R.E.A.L. Coalition Wednesday, January 15th, 2014
About the R.E.A.L. Coalition Regional Economic Association Leaders of California Association of California’s most influential business and economic development entities Represents 21 member organizations Represents more than 11,000 employers Represents more than 3 million California jobs
R.E.A.L. Coalition Members Orange County Business Council Silicon Valley Leadership Group Business Council of San Joaquin County Los Angeles County Economic Development Corporation San Diego Regional Economic Development Corporation East Bay Economic Development Alliance Long Beach Area Chamber of Commerce Inland Empire Economic Partnership Southern California Leadership Council Joint Venture
R.E.A.L. Coalition Members Oakland Metropolitan Chamber of Commerce San Gabriel Valley Economic Partnership San Francisco Chamber of Commerce San Jose Silicon Valley Chamber of Commerce North Bay Leadership Council Sacramento Metro Chamber of Commerce San Diego Chamber of Commerce Greater Fresno Area Chamber of Commerce East Bay Leadership Council Los Angeles Area Chamber of Commerce Bay Area Council
R.E.A.L. Coalition Focus Areas In efforts to work together to identify real solutions to meet California's critical needs, the R.E.A.L. Coalition focuses on these key issues affecting the state: Water Policy Transportation Infrastructure / Public-Private Partnerships Education/Workforce Development Monthly calls Annual Retreat
R.E.A.L. Coalition Guiding Principles The Regional Economic Association Leaders (R.E.A.L.) Coalition continues their focused and robust effort to lead in both advocacy and direct efforts to ensure that California remains competitive in a global economy and that we guarantee a strong future for the economic and overall well being of our communities, youth and its citizens. Promote increased accountability for student performance, and learning outcomes, including the implementation of a longitudinal data system. Align P-20 education and workforce development systems with the needs of the economy and focus on sector specific strategies to promote industry- driven initiatives. Champion Linked Learning and create partnerships to deliver graduates with 21 st Century Skills with a special emphasis on STEM.
R.E.A.L. Coalition Guiding Principles Cultivate business and civic leaders to drive education reform and partner with local school districts to create nurturing and safe learning environments for our youth. Improve student access to and completion of post-secondary education. Strengthen teacher quality and preparation by assisting school districts in recruiting, supporting and retaining qualified and effective teachers. Ensure adequate and more coherent funding and access to quality early learning that is robust and aligned with K-12 curriculum. Help close the achievement gap in education.
2013 Legislative Wins AB 484 (Bonilla) Pupil Assessments: Temporary Suspension Establishes the Measurement of Academic Performance and Progress (MAPP), commencing with the school year, as the statewide assessment program, aligned with the common core state standards, and provides for a rational transition from the existing statewide assessment system to the new system. Provides direction to the State Board of Education, the Superintendent of Public Instruction and the California Department of Education on the administration and future expansion of MAPP to ensure a comprehensive assessment system that best meets the needs of teachers, students, and parents.
2013 Legislative Wins SB 300 (Hancock) Instructional Materials: Revised Curriculum* Requires the State Board of Education, on or before January 31, 2016, to consider the adoption of a revised curriculum framework and evaluation criteria for the Next Generation Science Standards. *First R.E.A.L. Coalition co-sponsored bill
2013 Legislative Wins Local Control Funding Formula Support Letter Supports the overall intent on a local control funding formula, recognizing the virtues of local flexibility while also encouraging transparency, consideration of concentration factors, and shifting the focus from measuring success with dollars received by schools to an output approach where we measure success by student results.
2013 Legislative Wins Next Generation Science Standards Support Letter Supports the adoption of internationally-benchmarked standards for student success, based on the National Research Council’s Framework for K–12 Science Education, to provide all students with a coherent and content-rich science education that will prepare them for college and careers.
2013 Legislative Wins SB 440 (Padilla) Public Postsecondary Education: Student Transfer Achievement Reform Act Important transfer reform follow-up legislation that will ensure the historic promise of SB 1440 (2010) provides a much needed simplified statewide transfer pathway from California Community Colleges to the California State University system. Would continue to improve the efficiency of the transfer process between California Community Colleges (CCC) and California State Universities (CSU).
2013 Unfinished Legislative Business Governor’s Higher Education Multi-Year Funding Support Letter Proposes a balanced and measured approach to increasing funding and improving the quality and performance of our higher education system. Focuses increasing on-time graduation rates, transfer student enrollment, and total number of degrees completed at UC/CSU consistent with the state’s need to rapidly ramp up the number of college graduates it produces to fill workforce demands and keep the state economically competitive.
Superintendent Tom Torlakson’s Business Advisory Council R.E.A.L. Coalition CEOs are the first signers/supporters A community of business leaders, convened by the State Superintendent of Public Instruction, encouraging the change needed to ensure that students are graduating high school prepared for college and employment by sharing their expectations for education and their support for a strong and effective public education system in California.
Superintendent Tom Torlakson’s Business Advisory Council Key Priorities Common Core State Standards Next Generation Assessments – Smarter Balanced Assessment Consortium Science, Technology, Engineering, Arts and Math Education (STEM), including Next Generation Science Standards
R.E.A.L. Coalition Branded Flyer Supporting the successful implementation of the Common Core State Standards and next generation testing.
2014 Education & Workforce Development Committee Retreat January 21-22, 2014 Key Note Speakers Early Childhood Education Scott Moore, Chief Policy Advisor, Early Edge California (confirmed) K-12 Education Glen Price, President, The Glen Price Group (confirmed) Postsecondary Education Amy Supinger, State Policy Consultant, Lumina Foundation (invited)
Alysia M. Bell