English Composition: Class 7 Richard Wilson
Agenda 1. Registration & announcements 2. Peer Editing 3. Thesis Statement
Start Time
Free Writing Write for 5 minutes at the beginning of each class. This will be kept in your portfolio -but it it’s not part of your grade. Don’t worry too much about spelling, grammar etc. Try not to stop writing!
Classroom Website
First Draft
“The first draft of anything is shit” - Ernest Hemingway
Peer Editing – Correction Symbols
+Add a wordI want go out tonight. -Omit a wordMy mother told me to go to home early. WFWord FormMy girlfriend is a beauty girl. WCWord ChoiceMy book is in the table. WOWord OrderShe every day goes to Starbucks coffee. VTVerb TenseI wake up at 6 o’clock yesterday morning. PLSingular-pluralI am 24 year old. SPSpellingTheir is a new club in Itaewon. PPunctuationDid you text me. CCapitalisationWriting in english is easy. AArticleI’d like cup of coffee. ISIncomplete SentenceI fell asleep. Because I was tired. RORun-onMy car is out of gas we cannot reach town before dark. /Words are too closeI have atest tomorrow at 3:00. SVASubject-verb agreementI eats breakfast every morning before school. ?I don’t understandSmartphone on subway in my pocket come of bus stop.
Find the Mistake- Answers
Answers IS 3. VT 4. PL 5. SP WF 8. C 9. A 10. IS 11. RO 12. / 13. SVA 14. P 15. WO 16. WC, WC
Thesis Statement Pg. 21
What is a thesis statement? A thesis statement is the main idea of an essay. It is often a point you want to argue or support in an essay. Definition - The thesis statement explains to a reader the main idea of the essay, and the writer’s opinion on that idea.
A thesis statement is usually one sentence. It is usually placed in the introductory paragraph of an essay. A thesis statement is a claim that could be argued. The essay will contain evidence and opinions that support the argument. What does it look like?
Things to Avoid The first person (I believe, In my opinion, etc.) Unclear language (It seems, etc.) Attempting two topics at once (even if they seem related). Pick one and stick with it. Just stating a fact - A thesis is something you plan to make an argument about.
Things to Include A topic (main idea of what you are writing about) An opinion about the topic (what your attitude is toward the topic)
A thesis statement should not be too broad Too Broad The world is a magnificent place to live. Better Good teachers make Kyung Hee Elementary a fantastic school.
A thesis statement should not be too general. Too general Kyung Hee Middle School is a good school. Better Daily maths practice has led to improved maths skills for the students at Kyung Hee Middle School.
A thesis statement should not be a title. A Title Cost of Living Better The cost of living in Ulsan is lower than in most other cities in South Korea.
A thesis statement should not be a a fact. A Fact The average temperature for Wilmington in winter is 34 and in summer is 75 degrees. Better The climate in Wilmington is ideal for outdoor sports.
Thesis Statement Pg.22 – Practice 4 & 5
Homework Write a thesis statement for your essay.