“Confidential, without prejudice, and under the protection of the February 23, 2007 Mi’kmaq- Nova Scotia-Canada Framework Agreement” Private & Confidential Using GIS to support the Assembly of Nova Scotia Mi’kmaq Chiefs respond to Consultation and Negotiations demands from governments and industries
KMKNO works for the Assembly of Nova Scotia Mi’kmaq Chiefs The Made-In-Nova-Scotia process Departments: Consultation, Research, Governance, Citizenship Interjurisdictional operations of Mi’kmaq leadership (federal, provincial, local, industry) GIS – Research to support Negotiating Team Respond to requests for consultation Data management (historical, cultural, physiographic, demographic) Who is KMKNO? Kelly Peters, Assistant Archaeologist, KMKNO
Insert new heading What we use Base data (at a variety of scales – provincial, county, municipal, local) Project-specific data (proposed infrastructure, disturbance, etc.) Traditional Use (MEKS) Recorded Archaeological Sites Historic & Modern aerial photography Historic Maps (georeferenced) Ecological & Palaeoshoreline/Bathymetry information Geomatics to Support Consultation Kelly Peters, Assistant Archaeologist, KMKNO
Slie Head How we currently use it Data management Perform spatial analyses Assess ecological impacts (often in conjunction with MEKS) Assess potential for archaeological resource impacts Geomatics to Support Consultation Kelly Peters, Assistant Archaeologist, KMKNO
Insert new heading Sample Consultation Application Kelly Peters, Assistant Archaeologist, KMKNO
Study use & occupancy over time (how L’nuk lived in Mi’ kma’ ki) Critical analysis of development of archaeological narrative of Mi’kmaq past to date Submerged landscapes and palaeoenvironmental model (future research objective – ( ) Archaeological predictive modeling Archaeological resource impact assessments All of these projects, except the last, explicitly support the work of the Negotiations Team Archaeological Applications Kelly Peters, Assistant Archaeologist, KMKNO
“Confidential, without prejudice, and under the protection of the February 23, 2007 Mi’kmaq- Nova Scotia-Canada Framework Agreement” Private & Confidential Wela’ lioq / Thank-you