March 15, 2011 Presented by: Shannon Willy, Principal Amber Velasquez, Instructional Coach 1
Focus of Tonight’s Presentation: Academics and Instruction Accountability Staff Collaboration Building Climate Community Events 2
Direct Explicit Instruction in the 5 components of Reading (thru FAST) Jana Versteeg, Level 3 Literacy, Primary Demonstrating the 4-Step Vocabulary process with a Guided Reading Group 4
4 Step Vocabulary Example 5
Direct Explicit Instruction in the 5 components of Reading (thru FAST) Tori McGillicudy, Level 3 Literacy, Intermediate Demonstrating a concept lesson with a group of students 6
Other Initiatives: Focus on building wide explicit instruction on Math problem solving strategies Tutoring (before and after school) Leveled content classrooms Blended Services 7
Walk Throughs and “Look Fors” 9 Beginning ImplementationProficient Teacher Behaviors for OctoberVisible impact on student learning Shared Vision and Code of Conduct visual form of measurement (visible in the classroom) Visible strategy for measuring goal – embedded language referencing Code of Conduct and Shared Vision Student can articulate when asked Reading: FAST Appropriate pacing (20 minute lessons)using 7 steps correctly Links FAST concepts to other content areas Up to Concept 3, pinch out sounds and use the “change to” motions Students make links during other content areas Reading: Daily 5 Habits and Guided Group Instruction Frequent references to learning targets and student goals Whole class learning target is posted Teachers and students can articulate learning targets being addressed through whole group and small group instruction Writing Mini-lessons short and snappy everyday Student work is displayed (inside classroom) Students appropriately use the correct map for each part of planning and can explain why they are using it. Math The strategy being taught is clearly visible. 30 minute whole group concept lessons aligned with level learning targets Small group instruction and/or conferencing Teacher will explicitly teach the strategies: Draw a picture and Look for a pattern. An explicit problem solving lesson will take place at least 3 times/week (can take the place of Minute Math if necessary) Students can articulate learning targets Science and Social Stud. Students can articulate Socials Studies and Science content being learned
Walk Throughs Data 10 Beginning ImplementationProficient Teacher Behaviors for OctoberVisible impact on student learning Shared Vision and Code of Conduct Evidence of a monthly goal (goal posted visibly in the classroom) visual form of measurement (visible in the classroom) Visible strategy for measuring goal – embedded language referencing Code of Conduct and Shared Vision Student can articulate when asked Reading: FAST Begin F.A.S.T book during Guided Reading and 4 step vocabulary Using 7 steps correctly and in order Appropriate pacing (15 – 17 minute lessons) Links FAST concepts to other content areas Up to Concept 3, pinch out sounds and use the “change to” motions Students can explain concepts Students make links during other content areas Reading: Daily 5 Habits and Guided Group Instruction Guided Group instruction is delivered each day as prescribed by red/yellow/green Frequent references to learning targets and student goals “Short and Snappy” texts are being used (no novels) Teachers and students can articulate learning targets being addressed through whole group and small group instruction Students are engaged in Daily 5 habits while the teacher pulls groups Writing Use Write from the Beginning rubrics a minimum of once every six weeks Teacher will encourage students to use past models for reference (i.e. posted examples, student draft/journal notebook) Students independently use maps appropriately Student work is displayed (inside classroom) Student work is displayed (outside classroom) Students can explain when to use a tree map and when to use a flow map (intermediate) Math The strategy being taught is clearly visible. 30 minute whole group concept lessons aligned with level learning targets Small group instruction and/or conferencing Teacher will explicitly teach the strategies: Draw a picture and Look for a pattern. An explicit lesson will take place at least 3 times/week (can take the place of Minute Math if necessary) Students can articulate learning targets Science and Social Stud. Students can articulate socials studies and science content being learned 0-50% 50 – 75% 80 – 99% 100% Unhighlighted items did not have enough data to report out
Other Forms of Staff Accountability Data Walls Learning Targets posted in all classrooms 11
Student Accountability Students tracking their own progress 12
Team Meetings Leveled Content Reading, Math and Writing Building Teams Building Leadership Team Wellness PBS Social/Community Involvement 14
More Collaboration Peer Observations Training of Trainers Model 15
Stride for Pride 17
More Building Climate Initiatives Mesa Starrs Character Education Connecting the Dots 18 From: Mrs. Willy To: MESA S T A R R afety rust chievement espect esponsibility
Coffee House Coat Drive Collect coats for Have a Heart Art work is displayed and students perform musical presentations 8 th year 400 Mesa students and their families attend this past October 298 coats were collected 20
Other Events: Reading in the Park Holiday Family Night Movie Night Pennies for Patients Jump Rope for Heart 21
22 Mesa’s Wordle
Thank you for coming! 24