Data Source
Overview of the Study Gambling questions were added to the statewide survey “Alcohol, Tobacco and Other Drug Abuse Among Delaware Students” in This survey is administered annually to all Delaware public school students in the 5 th, 8 th and 11 th grades. All eligible schools participated. The survey is administered from January through June as an anonymous classroom administration by trained personnel from the University of Delaware. Although student participation is voluntary, few students refuse or are denied access to the survey by their parents, who have the opportunity to refuse for them.
Sample Description Public Schools Only--80% of School Population No Self-Contained Special Education, Alterative or Special Schools Significant attrition rates--explains the relatively high percentage high-risk behaviors in 8th grade than in 11th grade and age of onset for alcohol and other drugs is higher for 11th grade 97% of the 5 th grade enrollment 84% of the 8 th grade enrollment 74% of the 11 th grade enrollment.
The sample is representative of the state’s youth population: FIFTH GRADE (N= 7,248) EIGHTH GRADE (N=6,753) ELEVENTH GRADE (N=4,880) GENDER (%) Males Females ETHNICITY (%) White Black Latino Other * COUNTY (Ns) New Castle Kent Sussex
Sample and Gambling Question The sample consisted of 6,753 Delaware public school 8th graders and 4,880 Delaware public School 11th graders. Information on gambling is derived from the following two questions: 1 ) How often have you gambled (bet) for money or possessions? 1) Never 2) Before, but not in past year 3) A few times in past year 4) Once or twice a month 5) Once or twice a week 6) Almost every day Lifetime gambling was created from responses 2 thru 6 above. Past year gambling was created from responses 3 thru 6 above. Past month gambling was created from responses 4 thru 6 above Never gambled was created from response number 1 above.
2) Second Gambling Question (Grid) The second question consisted of a grid in which students were asked how often during the past 12 months they did each of the following: a)Gambled at a casino b)Played the lottery or scratch-off tickets c)Bet on team sports d)Played cards for money e)Bet money on horse races f)Played bingo for money or prizes g)Gambled on the Internet h)Bet on dice games such as craps i)Bet on games of personal skill such as pool,darts or bowling Response categories were: 1) Never 2) Before, but not in past year 3) A few times in past year 4) Once or twice a month 5) Once or twice a week 6) Almost every day
Other illegal drugs include prescription downers and stimulants, inhalants, hallucinogens, crack, cocaine, and heroin
Summary of Findings-8th Grade In 2002: almost 1/3 of Delaware 8th graders gambled 43% of 8th grade boys and 19% of 8th grade girls gambled Delaware 8th graders that gambled in 2002 were: over 50% more likely to drink alcohol more than twice as likely to binge drink more than 3 times as likely to use marijuana 3 times as likely to use other illegal drugs almost 3 times as likely to get in trouble with the police 3 times as likely to be involved in a gang fight almost 3 times as likely to steal or shoplift
Summary of Findings-11th Grade In 2002: more than 1/4 of Delaware 11th graders gambled 45% of 11th grade boys and 12% of 11th grade girls gambled Delaware 11th graders that gambled in 2002 were 25% more likely to drink alcohol twice as likely to binge drink 33% more likely to use marijuana almost twice as likely to use other illegal drugs more than 3 times as likely to be involved in a gang fight almost 4 times as likely to get in trouble with the police almost 3 times as likely to steal or shoplift