Screens and Photograph Investigation By: Ismail Sadi 7A
Introduction People around the world have been looking at picture and over the time they have decided that a picture does not change if you make it bigger or smaller. I agree with that thought and you will find out why in the following slides.
The standard dimensions of a photograph
What is happening to the picture? When you take a normal picture and size it the way you want it on your computer it will never change it will always stay the same. In pictures we use different ratios to size the pictures. The aspect ratio if you use the proper number all that will happen is that the size will change. If you use the wrong numbers than there is a probability that the picture will get distorted but you might lose some details.
Why is this happening? All this goes back to math and to be exact to ratios. Ratios are usually used to measure different thing. Aspect ratio is also another thing that relates to this investigation. The aspect ratio of an image is the ratio width of the image to it’s height which is expressed as two numbers like this: 4:3
Conclusion The objects that are shown on the image does not change no matter what you do if you make the image bigger or smaller if you keep the same aspect ratio but if we change the aspect ratio the picture might get distorted or lose some of the details.
Introduction Does a digital picture change when I go to print a picture at the Photoshop? It happens but why does it happen? I am going to figure this out by comparing two different ratios one being digital and the other a standard 35 mm which is used by the Photoshop.
What is happening to the picture? When we go to the Photoshop to get our pictures printed the picture auto crops. All of this is happening because the digital photo has a different ratio than when it is in standard form. The width of the picture will stay the same but the length will get auto cropped.
As you can see the picture above shows that the part that is in red got auto cropped
Why is this happening? Because you have two different ratios and they are not equal ratios then one of them will be bigger which in this case would be the digital ratio. So when you come to print the picture it will auto crop so that it will fit the standard ratio.
What can I do to fix it? People think if there is a way to fix it. I know one way that could fix it and maybe somebody has another way. My way is that when you have a picture make it smaller but not too much. This way when they print it and it auto crops it will not cut off any of the picture just so that you can fix it.
Conclusion I have learned from working on this investigation what I can do in a situation like this. Another thing that is important is when you compare two different ratios this is called an Aspect Ratio. I never realized that when I print out a picture it auto crop but with the use of this research I found out how I can use ratios in one way.
Bibliography states/consumer/digital_photography/print_b etter_photos/tips/cropping-digital- photos.html states/consumer/digital_photography/print_b etter_photos/tips/cropping-digital- photos.html 8image%29 8image%29