USNC-TAM Liaison Report -- 2014 Weinong Wayne Chen AIAA Liaison to USNC-TAM April 30, 2014.


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Presentation transcript:

USNC-TAM Liaison Report Weinong Wayne Chen AIAA Liaison to USNC-TAM April 30, 2014

2 Topics USNC-TAM Member Societies of USNC-TAM USNC-TAM 2014 Annual Meeting Major Mechanics Congresses of AIAA Interests

3 USNC-TAM USNC-TAM = United States National Committee on Theoretical & Applied Mechanics Organizational fit in the National Academies:  Policy and Global Affairs Division – Board on International Scientific Organizations (BISO) » USNC-TAM » Representing 15 US National Societies

4 USNC-TAM Internationally, USNC/TAM was established in 1949 to represent the U.S. in international scientific, and mathematical communities that have common interests in mechanics. It represents the National Academy of Sciences (NAS) as the U.S. adhering organization to the International Union of Theoretical & Applied Mechanics (IUTAM), a member of the International Council for Science (ICSU). Nationally, USNC/TAM is the focal point for the U.S. engineering, scientific, and mathematical communities with interests in mechanics and serves as the national forum for defining major issues in mechanics research, technology, and education ; suggesting strategies in areas of mutual concern; and stimulating appropriate actions.

5 USNC-TAM To represent the U.S. in IUTAM To promote theoretical and applied mechanics in the U.S.  To strive to maintain a balance between the various established subfields of mechanics and to accommodate and include emerging subfields

6 USNC-TAM Membership Total of 33 Voting Members  4 Officers  15 Society Representatives  6 USNC Members-at-Large  7 IUTAM Members  2014 U.S. Congress Chair

7 Member Societies of USNC-TAM American Institute for Aeronautics and Astronautics American Academy of Mechanics American Institute of Chemical Engineers American Mathematical Society American Physical Society Acoustical Society of America American Society of Civil Engineers American Society of Mechanical Engineers American Society for Testing and Materials Society of Experimental Mechanics Society of Engineering Science Society for Industrial and Applied Mathematics Society of Naval Architects and Marine Engineers Society of Rheology U.S. Association for Computational Mechanics Combined membership of ~475,000

8 USNC-TAM 2014 Annual Meeting 2014 Annual Meeting will be held on Sunday, June 15, 2014 before the main conference of the 17 th US National Congress on Theoretical and Applied Mechanics at Michigan State University in East Lansing, MI. Since the USNC-TAM Committee Meeting will be held after the spring AIAA TAC meeting, no updates are available.

9 Major Mechanics Meeting of AIAA Interests 17th National Congress of Theoretical and Applied Mechanics, June 15-20, 2014, East Lansing, MI