10/27/2015ENGM 720: Statistical Process Control1 ENGM Lecture 01 Introduction to Statistical Process Control
10/27/2015 ENGM 720: Statistical Process Control 2 Agenda Introductions Course Overview Materials Expectations Questions & Issues Data Collection Red Bead Experiment
10/27/2015 ENGM 720: Statistical Process Control 3 ENGM 720 Lecturer: D. H. Jensen 308 Industrial Engineering & Research Building (IER) (605) Office Hours: M: 1:00 - 1:50 PM W: 1:00 - 1:50 PM and 4:30 – 5:20 PM Class Meetings: Wednesdays: 6:00 PM – 9:00 PM, IER 205
10/27/2015 ENGM 720: Statistical Process Control 4 Background Academic: Industrial & Manufacturing Engineering Oregon State University Ph.D.Industrial Engineering University of Iowa M.A. Technology - Supervision & Management University of Northern Iowa B.S.Computer Engineering Iowa State University
10/27/2015 ENGM 720: Statistical Process Control 5 Background Industry Experience: Land Surveying Crew Data Systems Manager Programmer Network Engineering Plant Engineering Manufacturing Engineering Design Engineering Hazardous Waste Management Plant Administration 7 plants, 3 towns Consulting Commercial Avionics Medical Supplies Air Force & Naval Fleet Maintenance Facilities Die Cast Foundry Farm Toys Semiconductor Fab
10/27/2015 ENGM 720: Statistical Process Control 6 Course Overview Students will demonstrate: the ability to prepare and interprete Pareto, Cause & Effect, Scatter, Checksheet, Defect Concentration, and Histogram charts and diagrams. a knowledge of the fundamentals of statistical process control – chance and assignable causes, the meaning of statistical control, average run length (ARL), operating characteristic (OC) curve, the principles of rational subgroup formation, and runs tests.
10/27/2015 ENGM 720: Statistical Process Control 7 Learning Objectives Students will demonstrate: the ability to construct and interpret control charts for variables and attributes from standards or data. the ability to construct and interpret control charts for individual measurements and short-run SPC from standards or data. the ability to calculate and interpret process capability ratios (Cp, Cpk, Cpm) and gage repeatability and reproducibility.
10/27/2015 ENGM 720: Statistical Process Control 8 Learning Objectives Students will demonstrate: an introductory knowledge of acceptance sampling principles and the ability to design, implement, and use acceptance sampling plans and military standards. an introductory knowledge of the principles, calculations, and interpretation of designed experiments
10/27/2015 ENGM 720: Statistical Process Control 9 Course Overview See Schedule Page for details: Basic problem solving tools and process comparisons covered on Exam I. Control charting for continuous, discrete, individuals, and short run SPC on Exam II. Acceptance sampling and an intro to designed experiments on Final Exam.
10/27/2015 ENGM 720: Statistical Process Control 10 Required Materials Textbook: Montgomery, D. C. (2013). Introduction to Statistical Quality Control (7th ed). New York NY: John Wiley & Sons. ISBN (required) Engineering Notebook 9-3/4" x 7-1/2", 5x5 quad-ruled, pp. (approx.).
10/27/2015 ENGM 720: Statistical Process Control 11 Recommended Materials Engineering/Scientific calculator Engineering Problems Paper 8-1/2" x 11", three hole drilled, ruled five squares/division, 50 pp. (approx.). Mechanical Pencil 0.5 mm, HB or B lead with comfortable grip Plastic-based Eraser clickable pen-style suggested
10/27/2015 ENGM 720: Statistical Process Control 12 Expectations Grading Scale: A 90% B 80% C 70% D 60% F < 60% Weighting: Midterm Exam I30% Midterm Exam II35% Final Exam35%
10/27/2015 ENGM 720: Statistical Process Control 13 Expectations Assignments: Assignments will NOT be turned in Solutions will be posted on-line (sometime later) Exams: Exams are open Engineering notebook; and closed textbook and homework. Most necessary tables and diagrams are provided – these should be placed in your Engineering Notebook.
10/27/2015 ENGM 720: Statistical Process Control 14 Expectations Make-up Work (Exams): Make-Up work is the student’s responsibility, and is arranged at the lecturer’s discretion. Policies: Foreseeable Circumstances - contact the lecturer as far in advance as possible ( ). Unforeseeable Circumstances - contact the lecturer as soon as practical (leave phone message). Note that it is NOT possible to arrange a make-up FINAL for anything other than University approved circumstances (medical, disability, multiple exams).
10/27/2015 ENGM 720: Statistical Process Control 15 Expectations Academic Honesty: OK to work together on HW for this class: as long as what appears on your sheet is your work, your words, and your writing OK to copy my materials for this class: download and print slides to your engineering notebook for this class download and use my spreadsheet templates for your assignments and practice in this course Exams are always individual work
10/27/2015 ENGM 720: Statistical Process Control 16 Questions & Issues Students with special needs or requiring special accommodations should contact the instructor, Dr. Jensen, at and/or the campus ADA coordinator, Jolie McCoy, at at the earliest opportunity.
10/27/2015 ENGM 720: Statistical Process Control 17 Data Collection NameCourse ID Preferred nameTerm / Year address On-Campus/DistanceYour major Hometown Contact Info for Proctor (Distance, only) Anything else the instructor should know about you
10/27/2015 ENGM 720: Statistical Process Control 18 Deming’s Red Bead Experiment Personnel Needed: Accountant Inspectors Operators Board of Directors Consultant Plant Manager (Dr. Jensen)