International exchange Friluftsliv Welcome to Norway!
International exchange: friluftsliv Structure: 3 courses in parallel, lectures, trips, group work, study. Assessment:3 reflective learning journals, 1 essay, 1 research topic and presentation. Skills training:orienteering, trip planning,edible mushrooms, life saving, ice rescue, first aid, outdoor cooking, making fires and shelters … Learn to : live comfortably outdoors : live and travel confidently : analyse friluftsliv as a socio-cultural phenomenon : plan for learning outdoors : be(come) a self- responsible learner
Experience-based learning (new) knowledge ExperienceReflection 2012 cohort on Vettakollen Learning about alpine environment, Juvass walking twoard Spiterstolen, Jotunheimen
Typical programme Introduction trip 3 days Lectures – concepts for understanding friluftsliv Group work, trip preparation Mountain trip and friluftsliv history (6-7 days) Lectures – friluftsliv as a socio-cutlural phenomenon Group journey in forest (5 days) Lectures – friluftsliv as a socio-cutlural phenomenon 2 travel weeks (independent of NIH) Tutorials: academic skills, assessment Mixed classes with Norwegians Friendly staff