Building Local HealthWatch Eastern region parent carer forum 20 September 2011 Claire Ogley, Regional Project Lead, HealthWatch Transition
Today What is HealthWatch and how will it differ from LINks? The 'bigger picture' – how it fits into the national and political agenda What Local Authorities and LINks are doing now to prepare What you can do to ensure you have a voice
The National Scene Liberating the NHS: legislative framework and next steps set out a vision for NHS reforms and describes a system where: a) patients and the public are at the heart of everything b) health and care outcomes in England are among the best in the world c) clinicians are empowered to deliver results Local HealthWatch fits into a) to deliver b) Awaiting the legislation - Health and Social Care Bill
October shadow NHS Commissioning Board, SHA and PCT clusters ( 7 in EOE ) During developing and Clinical Commissioning Groups (CCGs), Health and Well-Being Boards, Public Health Transfer and PH England, shadow NHS Trust Development Authority and Health Education England. October 2012 Healthwatch England and Local Healthwatch established (LINks fully operational until this time) April 2013; New architecture but CCGs and NHSFTs not authorised until ready The National Timetable
To ensure the reformed system: 1) is genuinely centred around patients 2) refuses to tolerate unsafe and substandard care 3) eliminates discrimination and inequalities 4) is transparent, with more accountability for results 5) gives citizens more say in how the NHS is run 6) works much better across boundaries Why HealthWatch?
Strengthening the voice of patients and the public and to help achieve this: Local Involvement Networks (LINks) provide the foundation for Local HealthWatch organisations to be the local collective voice HealthWatch England will be a new independent consumer champion for the national collective voice Local HealthWatch and HealthWatch England
‘Local champion voice’ Local HealthWatch Community groups, Voluntary organisations ‘National champion voice’ Monitor Carers health and well being board Local authority HealthWatch England The public and patient voice - their views and experiences - influencing better health and social care outcomes Older people Working age individuals Mental health Disability groups …othersBME groups OSC / scrutiny function NHS Commissioning Board DH – Secretary of State CQC GP consortia Providers Ombudsman Arrangements will ensure sharing of information to involve, consult and protect the public advisory influencing continuous dialogue
HealthWatch England will: –provide leadership and support to Local HealthWatch organisations i.e. set operational standards, standard protocols –propose that CQC investigate poorly performing services –advise Secretary of State, NHS Commissioning Board, English local authorities, Monitor and CQC itself HealthWatch England
Local HealthWatch 'The consumer champion of health and adult social care' (DH HW team is working on how children's services will fit in) HW will be a 'Body corporate' commissioned by the Local Authority 3 main elements: 1) Decision-making – strong, independent local consumer voice. Presenting the collective community voice on Health and Well-Being Boards 2) Signposting – help individuals access information and thus exercise choice 3) NHS healthcare advocacy by 2013 – responsible for NHS complaints advocacy
LOCAL HEALTHWATCH ‘local consumer voice for health and social care’ Influencing Help shape the planning of health and social care services signposting Help people access and make choices about care advisory Advocacy for individuals making complaints about healthcare Strong LOCAL consumer voice on views and experiences to influence better health and social care outcomes Respected, authoritative, influential, credible and very visible within the community from 2013/14 seat on the health and wellbeing board Joint Strategic Needs Assessment and Joint Health and Wellbeing Strategy scrutinising quality of service provision empowering people - helping people understand choice providing local, evidence based information representing the collective voice Local HealthWatch informing the commissioning decision-making process
Key differences between LINk and HealthWatch FromTo Influence local services Participate in decision-making via Health and Well Being Boards Focus on community voiceHelp and support for individuals as well Local voiceLocal and national voice through HW England
Local HealthWatch needs to: Be a 'network of networks' – tapping into the expertise of volunteers and community groups Be inclusive and diverse – truly representative Have an effective voice to influence CCGs, HWBBs, providers Be trusted and respected Be independent and accountable – complexities & challenges around LA arrangements Strengthen relationships
Roles and responsibilities : Retain and harness all the existing functions of LINk Gather good intelligence and evidence which can be fed back into commissioning Monitor health and social care services, make reports and recommendations, Enter & View (quality, safety and accessibility) Provide information to support patient choice Access centrally held information and data so people can exercise choice 'Responsible for' complaints advocacy (ICAS): from April 2013, for people with complaints about health and care services.
How do we get there? Body corporate – what does a statutory organisation look like? Robust and credible governance structure Commissioned and funded by, and accountable to Local Authority – what does that mean for independence? Grant-aided or tender? Staff and volunteers – what are their roles?
Eastern Region – where are we at? 11 Local Authorities – 10 of them are HealthWatch pathfinders Emerging work patterns – some moving faster than others Themes Engagement and involvement (community, CCGs, HWBBs) Organisational model Funding model Skills gap Identification and recruitment to HW Supporting existing LINk
National Development National Programme Board supported by Advisory group Centre for Public Scrutiny report on LINKs best practice 'Task and finish' national workshops ('what a good LHW looks like‘, skills for LHW, Governance etc.) National action learning sets – to come Regional programme managers network being formed National newsletter and online discussion forum – register now:
What can you do? Ensure your voice is heard Be involved now Make contact with your local LINk and/or Local Authority
Contacts LA/LINkContact Bedford Central
Thank You Any Questions? Claire Ogley – Regional HealthWatch Transition Lead