Our Vision Creating positive relationships with physical activity for life. To redefine what’s possible for PE, Sport and physical activity through a new, positive and inclusive culture.
Physical Inactivity Has Become Normal 9% of reception age children are classed as obese The Health and Social Care Information Centre /3 are NOT doing enough physical activity Fit For Sport, in partnership with UK Active 2015 Children are least active at weekends and in the evening International Journal of Behavioural Nutrition and Physical Activity % of parents want help and ideas on how to play with their children Ribena Plus Play Report
What is Family FUNS? Family FUNS helps families play and learn together whilst supporting children to develop the physical literacy, emotional and thinking skills to achieve in PE, school and life.
Impact of Family FUNS Improvements in: 1. children's Fundamental Movement Skills (FMS) 2. children's Personal and Social skills 3. parent's/carer’s confidence to play and interact with their children 4. the amount of active family play
What’s Involved? 1-2 staff attend 2 days training Receive club resources Staff recruit 3-10 families Deliver a club on a weekly basis for 12 weeks Families receive home packs to support being active at home
Club Resources
Family FUNS Home Pack
Cost The total programme price is £995 plus VAT (pilot price) and includes: Two-days training for 1-2 staff Club delivery resources 10 x Family FUNS home packs
"They loved being involved with other families and learning new games and ideas. It was also a great way to keep fit and be healthy. All our families taking part in Family FUNS agreed that they were highly enjoyable and well worth doing!" Coleen Wilkins, Headteacher Falconer’s Hill Infant School
“Family FUNS has helped us engage more families as a whole and get them to come and join us in the school environment, giving us the opportunity to work even closer with the children and families to build stronger relationships between the school, parents and children. Most importantly, it puts the family firmly at the centre developing children’s physical, personal and social skills, developing parent’s confidence and therefore increasing their physical activity together as a family away from school and in the home environment.” Jason Elwell, Executive Lead for Physical Education Marish Primary School, Slough
Doesn’t every family deserve to enjoy the excitement of playing, laughing, exploring and learning together?
To find out more contact us on: T: E: