About the Scheme ‒ Whose involved ‒ Aims of the scheme ‒ Supporter & their roles What we mean by Coaching & Mentoring How the relationships work Our matching process Feedback from previous participants Recruitment for 2014 – What’s on offer! Your commitment How to find our more C ONTENT
A BOUT Y ORKSHIRE A CCORD A Coaching & Mentoring partnership involving with 11 organisations across York & North Yorkshire Established in 2000 Expanding to include new Public, Private and Voluntary Sectors Developing and supporting cross organisational Coaching & Mentoring practice across its member organisations
A BOUT Y ORKSHIRE A CCORD Developing a Pool of Management & Leadership Coaches Helping to build professional networks and encourage the sharing of best practice Supporting individual and organisational development Attracting in the region of 100 participants each year
S CHEME A IMS To develop partnership working between Private, Public and Voluntary sector organisations by providing high quality, cost effective coaching & mentoring opportunities for partner organisations and their employees. To provide high quality training that supports the long term skills development of coaches & mentors and encourages managers and leaders to develop professional and ethical coaching & mentoring practices. To provide coaching & mentoring opportunities that support the development of current and future managers and leaders
S CHEME A IMS To provide a mutually beneficial framework that supports the individuals development needs and delivers on organisational learning and development agendas To broaden leadership perspectives by sharing of knowledge, skills and experiences across different organisations and environments. To Increase professional connections and develop networking opportunities for the staff of partner organisations.
S UPPORTERS & THEIR ROLES Organisational Co-ordinatorOrganisational Co-ordinators Are available to support their members of staff who are interested in applying and those who are already involved in the scheme. They are there to deal with organisational issues and ensure members feel supported and encouraged to participate fully in the scheme.
S UPPORTERS & THEIR ROLES Project LeaderProject Leader – Karen Hickman Karen does not work directly for any of the partner organisations and she supports the scheme in many ways. She has regular contact with all members involved in coaching & mentoring relationships and deals with any issues arising with the coaching & mentoring process. She also delivers training & provides supervision support to coaches / mentors throughout the year
C OACHING & M ENTORING ‘Both coaching & mentoring are learning relationships which help people to take charge of their own development, to release their potential and to achieve results which they value’ Connor & Pokora (2007) CIPD Say; The overall purpose of coach-mentoring is to provide help and support for people in an increasingly competitive and pressurised world in order to help them; Develop their skills Improve their performance Maximise their potential And become the person they want to be (Hawkins & Smith 2011)
T HE Y ORKSHIRE A CCORD M ENTOR Their own experience and knowledge may be an important part of the relationship Takes a holistic view of the person, their career and aspirations May be particularly useful in supporting those with high potential, those in new to management/ leadership roles or in support of specialists
T HE Y ORKSHIRE A CCORD C OACH Can work over a spectrum of ‘need’ - Skills, Performance, Behaviour, Development, Transition & Transformation Their personal experience is not always important. They are a collaborative partners facilitating and supporting development Likely to support clarity and progress to achieve specific goals Sometimes more of a short term arrangement
H OW THE RELATIONSHIPS WORK Each relationship will be supported for 6 months All participants are volunteers We support individual & organisational development needs. Learning agenda come from the Coachee/Mentee Coaching & Mentoring meetings are confidential pairs decide what to share with others Flexibile Support & Challenge
O UR M ATCHING P ROCESS Provisional matches made by the project leader, agreed only with the approval of the Organisational Co-ordinators representing the applicant Individuals are matched on the basis of their application form, which means it is important to complete this carefully. The Coachee /Mentee’s requirements inform the matching, although the Coaches /Mentor’s requests will be taken into account wherever possible. The Scheme has an excellent success rate in matching, although there will be opportunity to voice any concerns over a proposed match before commencing on the scheme.
C OMMENTS FROM P REVIOUS C OACHEES /M ENTEES “I have found the scheme to be an excellent vehicle for self-development and it has presented opportunities over and above my expectations” “It has given both the confidence and determination to introduce changes at work, which subsequently have had a beneficial effect in my department’s performance. It has helped to clarify my thinking around my future career” “I doubt I would be in my current positive frame of mind with the consequential positive impact on my team and others across my organisation without the help of my mentor. I highly recommend the scheme”
C OMMENTS FROM P REVIOUS C OACH / MENTORS “The scheme has provided me with a valuable networking opportunity with relevant benefits” “I’m now aware of what Coaching & Mentoring is and how helpful it can be: and am enthused about it” “I think it is a very forward thinking and supportive scheme and I have met some nice people. Enjoyed working with my Coachee/Mentee and felt we developed an open and trusting relationship” “I think the scheme is beneficial and offers developmental opportunities which may not normal be available to employees in difficult economic climates”
R ECRUITMENT - I NTAKE 1 MarRecruitment of new members AprilThe matching process takes place Notification of acceptance Initial training for all new members MayRelationships commence The agenda is set by the Coachee/Mentee Pairs organise their own meetings, meeting every 4-6 weeks for 1 -2 hour o OctPairs conclude
R ECRUITMENT - I NTAKE 2 SeptRecruitment of new members OctThe matching process takes place Notification of acceptance Initial training for all new members NovRelationships commence The agenda is set by the Coachee/Mentee Pairs organise their own meetings, meeting every 4-6 weeks for 1 -2 hour o AprPairs conclude
R ECRUITMENT N OW O PEN ! I NTAKE Applications for the 2014 scheme year are now invited the closing date for this round is Friday 21 st March
W HAT ’ S ON OFFER AND WHO SHOULD APPLY ? Contact your organisational co-ordinator to confirm how many places are been supported Coach/Mentors - we’re looking for; experienced managers/leaders those with experience of supporting transformation or organisational development Specialist in their profession or academic field. And we have a particular need for senior level support Coachee/Mentees We can support a board range of development needs Our scheme is likely to be most relevant to those in a management or leadership position or those with potential who aspire to the roles It may be of particularly interest to those who are supporting organisational change or transition, who will benefit from its cross organisational approach
C OACH /M ENTOR COMMITMENT To attend all core training To support the scheme for a min of 12 months - you can stay longer! To support two coachees/mentees over a 12 month period To fully commit to their coaching & mentoring relationships (meeting appx every 4 -6 weeks for 1- 2 hours) To uphold the best practice for Coaching & Mentoring To liaise with the scheme co-ordinator in the monitoring and evaluation of coaching & mentoring relationships To engage in relevant CPD activities and make use of coaching/mentoring supervision
C OACHEE /M ENTEE COMMITMENT The scheme supports each coaching & mentoring relationships for 6 months you will need to : Manage your workloads and consider how you might need to be supported to attend meetings. Take responsibility for you own development be proactive in taking forward any actions in-between meetings Make the Coaching & Mentoring relationships a priority You will need to attend an initial half day briefing Make the most of the opportunity & Attend regular Coaching & Mentoring meetings (on average 4-6 weeks for 1-2 hour) liaise with the scheme co-ordinator in the monitoring and evaluation of coaching & mentoring relationships
T RAINING FOR C OACHEES /M ENTEES Coachee/Mentee briefing A half day introduction for those applying to become a coachee / mentee, to equip them with the knowledge and tools to get the most from their relationship 22 nd April 1pm – 4pm at Conyngham Hall, Knaresborough 30 th April 9.30am – 12.30pm venue TBC 8 th May 9.30am – 12.30pm at Askham Bryan College
T RAINING FOR C OACH /M ENTORS Coming soon - ILM Level 5 Programme – Training enhancement Option (addtional fees will apply) Coaching & Mentoring Skills A two day programme to equip those who have not coached or mentored before for their new role or those who would like to refresh their skills 24 th & 25 th April at Conyngham Hall, Knaresborough 28 th & 29 th April at Easingwold Fire Training Centre 6 th & 7 th May at Askham Bryan College, York Essential for New Coaches & Mentors Coaching & Mentoring Supervision/ Development sessions ½ day events to support continued development of coaching & mentoring practice and will provide opportunity for peer supervision 8 th July, 9am–12.30pm at Easingwold Fire Training Centre 16 th July,1pm – 4.30pm York venue TBC September 23 rd, 9am – 12.30pm at Easingwold Fire Training centre October 1 st, 1pm – 4.30pm, York venue TBC Essential for New Coaches & Mentors, highly encouraged for all Briefing for Coach/Mentor with prior experience 2 hour briefing for those coaches/mentors with experience and training which will provide an outline of the scheme’s key approaches & practice 22 nd April 10.30am – 12.30pm at Conyngham Hall, Knaresborough 30 th April, 1pm – 3pm York venue TBC Essential for experienced Coaches & Mentors who are new to Yorkshire Accord.
F OR M ORE I NFORMATION Contact your organisational co-ordinatororganisational co-ordinator