. Habeebunnissa ( VI A ) delivering the welcomes address
. Lina ( IK-3 ) welcomes the Chief Guest with a bouquet
Chief Guest hoisting our tri- colour flag
Yuvanesh ( Grade V ) praising our state by Tamil Tai Vazthu
The New cabinet being inducted with the sashes and flag with a pride and a sense of achievement surging in their hearts
The New prefect Council solemnly taking the oath,swearing to be efficient,assertive and humble in their new roles and duties.
. A proud moment for the Head Boy ( Aakif Adnan) and the Head Girl ( Rida Eshal )
The march past by the houses that followed exhibited discipline and hardcore practice of the students.
Confident step towards Leadership
The Honourable Chief Guest, Mr.Noor Sayed emphasized the importance of Education and Inspired everyone.
Ms.Tasneem sultana ( Principal) honours the Chief Guest with a momento.
Ms.Vanarekha presenting the vote of thanks.
“If your action inspires others to dream more, learn more, do more and become more, then you are a leader.” - John Quincy Adams
Thank you