e-Charts: A Simulated Patient Record Dawn Mercer, Office of Research and Innovation, Seneca College Caius Grozav, School of Computer Studies, Seneca College Julie Jeffries, School of Health Sciences, Seneca College
e-Charts: A Simulated Patient Record Educational Challenge Providing patient information in a format that emulates clinical records Real patient records are protected under strict confidentiality
e-Charts: A Simulated Patient Record Constraints Reliability Basic technology skills of faculty and students Reuseable in other educational contexts
e-Charts: A Simulated Patient Record
Forms are completed by faculty in the same format as the students will see.
e-Charts: A Simulated Patient Record A URL is generated that is copied and pasted into a LMS or a course web page.
e-Charts: A Simulated Patient Record Beginning this Fall these “patient records” will be integrated with the SimMan lab.
e-Charts: A Simulated Patient Record Structure of the back end: Patient data in XML format, generated by the Flash interface and send to the server; Php script for login (authentication) and save/retrieve data
e-Charts: A Simulated Patient Record For exploration the tool is accessible at: Username: demo Password: demodemo After September 15 accounts can be requested from Dawn Mercer Discussion of other collaborations are welcome. Please contact Dawn Mercer with suggestions and enquiries.