Considerations for Sample Preparation
Protein Extraction Mechanical grinding Detergents Other buffers Sonication
D E4-A7BD-6947D35FE83B D E4-A7BD-6947D35FE83B
Considerations for mass spectrometry Salts and buffers in high concentrations can cause ion suppression and adduct formation in electrospray mass spectrometry Detergents can interfere with reversed phase separations Proteases
Inhibitors Most cells have endogenous proteases that can indiscriminately cleave proteins once cellular structure is disrupted The same applies to many PTMs (phosphatases, deacetylases, etc)
Medicago with detergent
MS 2 of detergent
Lysis buffer Compatible lysis buffer 8 M Urea, 50 mM Tris pH 8.5, 5 mM CaCl 2, mM NaCl, plus inhibitors
Detergents Mass Spec compatible: RapiGest (Waters) ProteaseMax (Promega) For other detergents, you need a clean up step prior to LC-MS FASP Precipitation (acetone, chloroform/methanol)
Desalting C18 reversed phase material