Examples of the life-long learning and further education Anna Grabowska, retired from Gdansk University of Technology, e-learning advisor at PRO-MED Co Ltd., Poland, U3A Online, Australia Acknowledgments for Rick Swindell, Griffith University, U3A Online, Australia and for Connecting +55, EuBiA, IMPROGE, Mindwellness – the European Union’s Lifelong Learning Grundtvig Programmes 1 INTERSKOLA CONFERENCE STAWISKA POLAND 26th JULY – 2nd AUGUST 2009 FAREWELL INTERSKOLA! - WHAT NEXT?
Lifelong learning from Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia (1) Lifelong learning, also known as LLL, is the "lifelong, lifewide, voluntary, and self- motivated” pursuit of knowledge for either personal or professional reasons. As such, it not only enhances social inclusion, active citizenship and personal development, but also competitiveness and employability. 2
Lifelong learning from Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia (2) The term recognises that learning is not confined to childhood or the classroom, but takes place throughout life and in a range of situations. During the last fifty years, constant scientific and technological innovation and change has had a profound effect on learning needs and styles. 3
Lifelong learning from Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia (3) Learning can no longer be divided into a place and time to acquire knowledge (school) and a place and time to apply the knowledge acquired (the workplace). In October 2006 the European Comission published a Communication entitled "Adult learning: It is never too late to learn.“ 4
LLL - a single umbrella for education and training programmes The European Commission has integrated its various educational and training initiatives under a single umbrella, the Lifelong Learning Programme. With a significant budget of nearly €7 billion for 2007 to 2013, the new programme replaces previous education, vocational training and e-Learning programmes, which ended in
There are four sub-programmes focusing on different stages of education and training and continuing previous programmes: Comenius for schools Erasmus for higher education Leonardo da Vinci for vocational education and training Grundtvig for adult education 6
The proposed choice – Grundtvig The Grundtvig programme focuses on the teaching and study needs of those in adult education and alternative education streams, as well as the institutions and organisations delivering these services. Supporting lifelong learning and mobility in this way also tackles Europe’s ageing population problem. 7
Grundtvig - How to participate? Legal Base ( ) General Call for Proposals 2009 General Call for Proposals 2008 (now closed) Agencies implementing the European programme Helpful links 8
Lifelong Learning Grundtvig Partnership Programme
Lifelong Learning Programme Grundtvig Multilateral Project (MINDWELLNESS)
„e-senior” Magazine Online 12
A Virtual University of the Third Age (1) 13
A Virtual University o f the Third Age (2) 14
Blog of Seniors’ Club at Gdansk University of Technology 15
Nordic Walking on 8 th June
boule, petanka, petanque 17
Finnaly welcome to Made on 19 July
FAREWELL INTERSKOLA! – WHAT NEXT? Why not Grundtvig Partnership? Thank you for your attention Any questions? EDEN ANNUAL CONFERENCE, June 2009, GDANSK, POLAND 19