AUSTRA LIA OCED 5133 June 26, 2013 Rebecca Hutton
Geographic Location: Sixth Largest Country in the world but the smallest continent Located between The Indian Ocean and the South Pacific Ocean (Oceania) Contains 2,967,909 square miles Diverse country with tropics to desert
Historically First inhabitants were the Aboriginies British set up penal colony Involved in both World Wars
Population: Estimated at 23 million in 2013 from 350,000 due to immigration 89% of the population lives in rural areas due to urbanization Median age is 37.3 years with women older 38/36 Life expectancy 81.6 years Almost 1 in 4 Auzzies were born elsewhere
Political, Economic and Social: 2-Party political system Forestry and Mining Industries 68% is in Service Sector (IT) Major exporter of wheat and wool Respect for all cultures Freedom to express views Equality under the Law
Education Australian National Curriculum (2012) 3-Tiered: primary, secondary and tertiary education system Compulsory between 5-15 or 17 School dates vary between states Vocational Education and Higher Education is available
Workforce Education 50% of graduate students were overeducated for their position Each state is responsible for Vocational Education Training Each university sets the courses and finds a endorsor Some work place employer participation
Business Customs Be modest or humble Do not draw attention to academics or achievements A valued relationship will be referred to as a “Mate” Do not use “thumbs-up” gesture Make business appointments Do not expect quick responses
Other Factors Growth in the manufacturing and agricultural industry are declining. The Exchange Rate in relationship to business Household spending and borrowing Monetary policy
References Bow, Kiss, or Shake Hands (2 nd Edition)