Social Welfare and the American Budget Matt S
The responsibility of a government is the well being of those over which it governs.
Presentation Outline Expenditures Healthcare – Medicare – Medicaid Taxation Defense – Political – Economic Welfare – Funding – Social security – Poverty relief
Healthcare topics for Discussion Medicare – add room in the budget to compensate for the aging population Medicaid – Spending should be decreased as government healthcare is refined and funding for job creation is increase Public Healthcare – Increase the number of doctors in the workforce thus lowering the price of medical treatment tables chart
Tables Data taken from the Presidential(democratic) budget proposal Medicaid (In billions of dollars)(CURRENT)(page 152) – Medicare (In billions of dollars)(CURRENT) – Medicaid (In billions of dollars)(page 155) – Medicare (In billions of dollars) –
Taxation Source of income Scaled to Income Increase to compensate for necessary expenses Higher taxes correlate to an increased standard of living. – Increase Corporate taxes and mandate that companies must employ a certain number of Americans to do business in America(contradictory to GAT) Document on taxation Tax income by source
Quotes Taken from a Document on Taxation( Adler, para 2 and 3) Government services and the high taxes that go with them are popular when the distribution of income is relatively equal. It should come as no surprise that the years of the country's greatest prosperity for the middle class coincided with the highest tax rates. Since Ronald Reagan held the presidency, inequality has increased markedly, and today the highest marginal tax rate is only 35 percent.
Defense Political – NATO and the United State’s role Troop commitments NATO – NATO troop levels have grown by about one-third – from about 30,000 to 41,000 in July 2010.(The Cost of War, 13) – U.S. contribution – Withdrawal from the war How to start – humanitarian efforts Mainly U.S. funded
Defense Economic U.S. military superiority – Scrap R&D projects or split costs with other nations – Split costs with NATO members engaging in counterterror Reducing personnel costs – Balancing the top heavy armed forces – # of Armed forces – cut 5% of the top brass() – cut of one General-200,000 dollars saving – Cost per troop CHART Apache Tomahawk
Deployed Troops(Cost of War, 12)
You wouldn’t light money on fire would you? Then why blow it up?
Social Welfare Proposition for Funding Audit recipients Audit programs for redundancy Cut redundant programs and redistribute funds accordingly programs
Social Security Increase the age required to qualify for benefits Reduce payments to those currently employed Scale social Security to income(like income tax) –A–Asset based checked yearly by the IRS
Poverty Relief Mandate employers to include benefits reducing the number of jobless individuals who depend on welfare Reduce unemployment benefits spending to stimulate job creation increase Require unionization for all employees in certain industries – Unions provide representation and job security
Links Sources-Budget Presidential budget plan and figures Congressional budget plan and figures Congressional budget website Historical tables Third party website with graphs, projections, and links Republican/Paul Ryan’s budget plan/info Taxation
Links (continued) Defense Spending defense spending defense spending breakdown and costs of weapon systems military top heavy dyn/content/article/2010/08/12/AR html dyn/content/article/2010/08/12/AR html program redundancy Unions
In Summation