Floyds Fork Greenway Presentation of Greenway Concept & Trail Alternatives: Public Meeting #2 June 13, 2007
Floyds Fork Greenway …at the Edge of the 21 st Century Floyds Fork Greenway
Floyds Fork Greenway 21st Century Parks, Inc. Who Is Creating the Greenway? Future Fund, Inc.Louisville Metro Parks
Floyds Fork Greenway Floyds Fork Greenway 21st Century Parks, Inc. Who Is Creating the Greenway? Future Fund, Inc.Louisville Metro Parks Kentucky Transportation Cabinet Federal Highway Administration Key Stakeholders Metropolitan Sewer District Trust for Public Land Jefferson County Public Schools Public Input Kentucky Transportation Cabinet Federal Highway Administration Key Stakeholders Metropolitan Sewer District Trust for Public Land
Floyds Fork Greenway WRT Team Wallace Roberts & Todd, LLC Park and Open Space Planning, Landscape Architecture, Architecture, Urban Design John Milner Associates, Inc. C ultural Resources, Regulatory Compliance Biohabitats, Inc. / Eco-Tech, Inc. Natural Resources HNTB Corporation Regulatory Compliance, Structural Engineering Burgess and Niple Engineering Civil Engineering
Floyds Fork Greenway Agenda Introduction Inventory and Analysis Conclusions Recreation Needs Analysis and Feedback Action Program The Greenway Concept Metro Loop Trail Alternatives Public Feedback
Floyds Fork Greenway Communication Goals for Tonight’s Meeting Tonight’s presentation will explain: –What we mean by a “greenway” –Where the parks and open spaces are, and who owns them –What is the “big idea” that underlies the greenway concept plan –Where the Metro Loop trail will be, and what alignment alternatives exist –What activities might occur in the park
Floyds Fork Greenway Key Points 1. Water: Floyds Fork is the most important feature of the Greenway. 2. Green Infrastructure : The Greenway is a 21st Century Community Life Support System, as critical to successful, sustainable community development as roads, sewers, utilities and schools. 3. Diverse Goals : The Greenway will give visitors opportunities to experience many different recreational activities woven into a variety of natural, cultural and agricultural resources. 4. Varied Character : The Greenway will change subtly in character from north to south, from culturally-based and active recreation to naturally- based and more passive recreation. 5. Firm Foundation : Greenway Plan is derived from public input and the opportunities and constraints of existing natural and cultural resources.
Floyds Fork Greenway OCTOBER ‘06FEBRUARY ‘07 Phase 1: Project Initiation Inventory and Analysis Summary Land Ownership Analysis Park and Open Space Needs Analysis Natural Resources Analysis Cultural and Scenic Resources Analysis 4 Land Acquisition Concepts Activity and Facility Programming Water Quality/Habitat Concepts Interpretive Framework Concepts Concept Alternat- ives Select Preferred NEPA / CE Process Schematic Design Process Draft Master Plan Documents Final Master Plan Documents Phase 2: Inventory & Analysis Phase 3: Conceptual Alternatives Phase 4: Master Plan Dev. Phase 5: Draft & Final Plan Public Forum Park Components Park System Recommenda- tions Implementation Program Design Guidelines Data Collection and Review Stakeholder Interviews Tour of Floyd’s Fork Basin JUNE ‘07FALLWINTER The Planning Process
Floyds Fork Greenway For Future Public Review This presentation is focused on understanding the greenway and the trail system. In the fall there will be opportunity for public review of: Potential locations for recreation uses and facilities Potential locations for environmental education and interpretation of historic sites The park road system
Floyds Fork Greenway What is a Greenway? A linear open space frequently located along a watercourse A mix of park, recreation, conservation, and transportation features A range of public, non-profit, and cooperative ownership types A wide range of activities and land management approaches A community amenity and frontage for adjacent development
Floyds Fork Greenway Summary of Inventory and Analysis Aerial oblique photography by Michael Mason Frank
Floyds Fork Greenway Supports Mayor’s Healthy Hometown Movement
Floyds Fork Greenway Project Area Greenway project extends from Shelbyville Road to Bardstown Road and includes over 2500 acres of publicly-accessible, protected land owned by Louisville Metro Parks, 21st Century Parks and Future Fund, Inc.
Floyds Fork Greenway The Shape of the Land The greenway is strongly shaped by the bottomlands, valley walls and plateau. PlateauValley BottomRolling Uplands Valley Walls Valley Walls Floyds Fork
Floyds Fork Greenway Inventory and Analysis Topics The plan is based on a broad and evolving understanding of the planning context and the natural and cultural resources of the project area. Prehistoric Cultural Resources Archaeology Historic Cultural Resources Historic Architecture Cultural Landscape Thematic Resources –Transportation –Residential –Religious / Military / Ethnic –Agricultural Natural Systems Geology Groundwater Hydrology Surficial Hydrology Soils –Depth to Bedrock –Hydric Soils –Prime Agricultural Farmland Vegetation Land Cover Rare, Threatened and Endangered Species Habitat Sensitivity / Potential Analysis Contemporary Planning Context Land Cover Community Form Viewshed Analysis Design Review Overlay District Regulations Regulatory Framework Transportation Projects Utilities Special Places and Recreational Facilities
Floyds Fork Greenway Analysis Summary The northern greenway is more developed, accessible, and fragmented than the southern greenway. As a result of this: There are more opportunities for easily accessible active community facilities in the north. There are more opportunities for conservation-based activities in the south.