CS Statistical Machine learning Lecture 18 Yuan (Alan) Qi Purdue CS Oct
Outline Review of Support Vector Machines for Linearly Separable Case Support Vector Machines for Overlapping Class Distributions Support Vector Machines for Regression
Support Vector Machines Support Vector Machines: motivated by statistical learning theory. Maximum margin classifiers Margin: the smallest distance between the decision boundary and any of the samples
Maximizing Margin Since scaling w and b together will not change the above ratio, we set In the case of data points for which the equality holds, the constraints are said to be active, whereas for the remainder they are said to be inactive.
Optimization Problem Quadratic programming: Subject to
Lagrange Multiplier Maximize Subject to Gradient of constraint:
Geometrical Illustration of Lagrange Multiplier
Lagrange Multiplier with Inequality Constraints
Karush-Kuhn-Tucker (KKT) condition
Lagrange Function for SVM Quadratic programming: Subject to Lagrange function:
Dual Variables Setting derivatives over L to zero:
Dual Problem
KKT Condition, Support Vectors, and Bias The corresponding data points in the latter case are known as support vectors. Then we can solve the bias term as follows:
Computational Complexity Quadratic programming: When Dimension < Number of data points, Solving the Dual problem is more costly. Dual representation allows the use of kernels
Example: SVM Classification
Classification for Overlapping Classes Soft Margin:
New Cost Function To maximize margin and softly penalize points that lies on the wrong side of margin (not decision) boundary, we minimize
Lagrange Function Where we have Lagrange multipliers:
KKT Condition
Dual Lagrangian Since and, we have
Dual Lagrangian with Constraints Maximize Subject to
Support Vectors Discussions on two cases of support vectors.
Solve Bias Term Discussion on solving SVMs...
Interpretation from Regularization Framework
Regularized Logistic Regression For logistic regression, we have
Visualization of Hinge Error Function
SVM for Regression Using sum of square errors, we have However, the solution for ridge regression is not sparse.
Є-insensitive Error Function Minimize
Slack Variables How many slack variables do we need? Minimize
Visualization of SVM Regression
Support Vectors for Regression Which points will be support vectors for regression? Why?
Sparsity Revisited Discussion: Error function or regularizer (Lasso)