AWARD MANAGEMENT Post Award By Maria Rojas College of Engineering Manager, Sponsored Programs
AWARD ACCEPTANCE Account number is assigned-Open a file Obtain Copy of Submitted and Approved Proposal Follow Award Terms and Conditions Follow University Rules and Regulations Follow Circular A-21 (Cost Principal for Educational Institutions) or the Uniform Guidance effective 12/26/2014
ACCOUNT SET UP Make Sure Budget and Dates are Correct in DMAS PI replies to from ORA and completes General Purpose Request Forms (in needed) Allocate & Encumber Salaries Set-up Account for Expenditures Disbursements Account Approval Form Add an Account to UMeNET (purchasing) Set up Consultant and Outside Vendor with Purchasing (if any) Vendor Application (if not UM Vendor) Consulting/Service Agreement form & Questionnaire W9 NOTHING HAPPENS AUTOMATICALLY
ACCOUNT MAINTENANCE Office Manager with PI input to reconcile account every month with Report 90 or DMAS PI is the only one who can certify the Effort Certification Maintain Clean Record Keeping Keep Back up Documentation
COST TRANSFERS Initiated by Office Manager in discussion with PI Salary Journals--FA-10, FEI Non Salary Journals--FA-11 Attach Proper Documentation Report 90, DMAS print out, Labor Distribution and Memo with justification Must submit within 30 days of the transaction Pcard expenses-general purpose items need to be justified (ziploc bags, scotch tape, etc.)
COST PRINCIPALS Necessary, Allowable, Allocable, Consistent (see Circular A-21 Section J) Equipment Purchases Greater than $2,500 with useful life more than one year Make sure is in the budget and the justification IPARs (Internal Prior Approval Request) Make sure to submit with All Approval Signatures (PI signs, Chair approves, Dr. Solo and Ana Ayala initial as reviewed) to Christine Rice Do Not Make Purchases the Last 90 days of the Project NO s about spending $ because the grant is ending in 90 days NCE –if time is running out
REPORTING Financial (done by ORA), Technical & Progress Reports (written by PI) Check Guidelines for Due Dates Reports must be in Agency require forms and format Financial Report must match Report 90 Fellowship Awards require a new Proposal Transmittal and Budget (Maria Rojas to assist). Additional funding requires a new PCRF, budget and justification Send to the Office of Research at least a week before is Due Late submissions affect next schedule funding
AWARD CLOSING Account should not be in Overdraft Clear overdraft on a non Sponsored Account (with a departmental account) Release all Unnecessary Encumbrances Office Manager and PI to work with the Office of Research on the Reconciliation Make Sure Final Invoices are Received and Paid Get it in Writing That It Is The Final Invoice (once submitted to the agency, it CAN’T be revised) If Additional Time is Needed Ask PI to Request a One Year No Cost Extension Final Reports must be submitted at this time Comply with deadlines
OFFICE OF RESEARCH INFO Office of Research (ORA) Gables One Tower 1320 South Dixie Highway Locator Code 2960 Coral Gables, Florida Phone: Fax: Website: