List different movements/motion that occur inside an organism Session I – How things move inside a cell 2/7/14
A typical highway road map
Transport road map of a cell
Watch (Cell Biology) Measure and Quantify (Systems/Quantitative Biology, Physics) Disable (Geneticists) Analysis/Optimization ( Bio-engineering)
An effort to understand how these cytoskeletal motor proteins works inside the cell?
Why study cytoskeletal motor proteins? To understand how living organisms create motion Important in every facet of biology Relevance to medicine
Components of molecular machines – Cytoskeletal motors work on tracks Microtubule track Motor proteins – Kinesins, Dyneins Actin track Motor protein – Myosins
Microtubules maintain “polarity”
Microtubules (red) DNA ( blue) Actin filaments ( green) Location of the tracks inside the cell
+ end - end
Kinesin Motor protein
Kinesin functions- 45 human genes Organelle movement (eg Golgi, ER) Transport or localization of RNA/proteins Mitotic spindle formation and chromosome formation Ciliary biogenesis
Activities - Explain/Teach concepts to your peers Group 1 – Kinesin walking models. Discuss in vitro experimental observations Group 1 presents on 2/14/14 Group 2 – How the motor proteins (Kinesins and Dyneins) convert chemical energy to mechanical energy Vale review paper Group 3 - How to study and perturb microtubule dynamics in vivo? Discuss an assay system to visualize microtubule plus end growth with fluorescent labeling using a particular model system Review your own literature Group 2 & 3 presents on 2/21/14