Emergency Planning HOME EDITIONHOME EDITION P P S I P REPARE P LAN S TAY I NFORMED Supplied by MAKE A PLAN Find the Graded Summary Report on the last slide.
How Do People React?Myth Disasters bring out the worst in people Fact The vast majority respond generously
Prepare! Develop an evacuation plan Develop a communication plan Select what to put in an emergency supply kit Do a run-through with family – in the dark
Supplies for at least 3 to 7 days Supplies for at least 3 to 7 days
What’s in Your Emergency Supply Kit?
7 Basic Items to Include 1.Water1.Water 2.Food (human & pet)2.Food (human & pet) 3.First Aid Kit3.First Aid Kit 4.Clothing & Bedding4.Clothing & Bedding 5.Tools & Supplies5.Tools & Supplies 6.Specialized Items6.Specialized Items 7.Communication – radios, cell phones7.Communication – radios, cell phones
Emergency Kit Water 1 gallon per person per day 1 gallon per person per day Food Canned, dehydrated, powdered Canned, dehydrated, powdered Protein bars Protein bars For pets, too For pets, too Manual Can Opener All-Purpose Tools Flashlight / Matches Change of Clothes Blankets / Sleeping Bags Towels Large Plastic Bags Gloves & Boots Sturdy Fire Extinguisher Whistle
Food Tips Pick foods your family will eat Remember special dietary needs Avoid foods that will make you thirsty Choose salt-free whole grain crackers and cereals Avoid excessive sugary foods Select canned goods with high liquid content Avoid mixes that require special preparation, water, or cooking
What to UseWhere to Store It Trash Bin or Plastic Container Backpack or Duffle Bag Place Somewhere Accessible Easy to Grab Avoid Water heater Gas meter Large appliances
Prepare, Plan, Stay Informed Step 10: On Slide 10, the picture support_NP_P13_T6_P1a_family-pet.jpg should be inserted.