Logistic Regression Week 3 – Soft Computing By Yosi Kristian.


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Presentation transcript:

Logistic Regression Week 3 – Soft Computing By Yosi Kristian.

Classification o Spam / Not Spam? o Online Transactions: Fraudulent (Yes / No)? o Tumor: Malignant / Benign ? 0: “Negative Class” (e.g., benign tumor) 1: “Positive Class” (e.g., malignant tumor)

Using Linear Regression ( fail ) Tumor Size Threshold classifier output at 0.5: If, predict “y = 1” If, predict “y = 0” Tumor Size Malignant ? (Yes) 1 (No) 0 0,5

Other Reason Classification: y = 0 or 1 Linear regression can be > 1 or < 0 Logistic Regression: Although it has the term regression, Logistic Regression is actually a Classification Algorithm, the name was giver only for historical reasons.


Logistic Regression Model Sigmoid function / Logistic function Want

Interpretation of Hypothesis Output = estimated probability that y = 1 on input x Tell patient that 70% chance of tumor being malignant Example: If “probability that y = 1, given x, parameterized by ”


Boundaries Logistic regression Suppose predict “ “ if predict “ “ if z 1

Decision Boundary x1x1 x2x Predict “ “ if

Non-linear decision boundaries x1x1 x2x2 Predict “ “ if x1x1 x2x2 1 1


Linear Regression Cost function (fail) Linear regression: “non-convex”“convex”

Logistic regression cost function If y = 1 1 0

Logistic regression cost function If y = 0 1 0


Logistic regression cost function

Output To fit parameters : To make a prediction given new :

Gradient Descent Want : Repeat (simultaneously update all )

Gradient Descent Want : (simultaneously update all ) Repeat Algorithm looks identical to linear regression!