(1)(1) Amnesty International – RED Express Job No: April 2012
(2)(2) Agreement To Statements About The Importance of The Irish Constitution (Q 3) Strongly Agree(5) Slightly Agree(4) Slightly Disagree(2) Strongly Disagree(1) Neither (3) I am interested in what is contained in the Constitution % I believe the Constitution has an impact on my life. % The Constitution protects rights like the right to be treated equally and freedom of speech % The Constitution protects rights like the right to housing and access to healthcare % 13 Mean Score The Constitution is held in high importance by Irish people with 3 in 4 stating an interest in it and its importance to their life. 2 in 5 either don’t know or have no option on whether the constitution protects access to housing or healthcare. (Base: Adults ,005)
(3)(3) Agreement to Statements Made About The Irish Constitution Not Protecting the Right to Housing or Healthcare (Q 4) Strongly Agree(5) Slightly Agree(4) Slightly Disagree(2) Strongly Disagree(1) Neither (3) Constitution should be amended to protect rights like the right to housing and access to healthcare for all those living in Ireland.. % The Constitutional Convention should look at how the Constitution protects rights like the right access to healthcare for all those living in Ireland.. % The Constitutional Convention should look at how the Constitution protects rights like the right to adequate housing for all those living in Ireland… % If the Irish Government commits to protect a human right internationally, it should have to make sure it protects that right in Ireland for all those living in Ireland…. % 10 Mean Score There is wide agreement that the constitution should protect rights like access to healthcare and the right to housing. (Base: Adults ,005)
(4)(4) GenderAge TOTAL NET AGREE % Male % Female % % % % % % 65+ % If the Irish Government commits to protect a human right internationally, it should have to make sure it protects that right in Ireland for all those living in Ireland… The Constitutional Convention should look at how the Constitution protects rights like the right access to healthcare for all those living in Ireland Constitution should be amended to protect rights like the right to housing and access to healthcare for all those living in Ireland The Constitutional Convention should look at how the Constitution protects rights like the right to adequate housing for all those living in Ireland… Agreement to Statements Made About The Irish Constitution Not Protecting the Right to Housing or Healthcare X Demographics (Q 4) Females and those in the mid to older age categories most likely in agreement with the constitutions provision for housing and healthcare. (Base: Adults ,005)
(5)(5) Social ClassRegion TOTAL NET AGREE % ABC1 % C2DE % Dublin % Rest Of Leinster % Munster % Conn./ Ulster % If the Irish Government commits to protect a human right internationally, it should have to make sure it protects that right in Ireland for all those living in Ireland… The Constitutional Convention should look at how the Constitution protects rights like the right access to healthcare for all those living in Ireland Constitution should be amended to protect rights like the right to housing and access to healthcare for all those living in Ireland The Constitutional Convention should look at how the Constitution protects rights like the right to adequate housing for all those living in Ireland… Agreement to Statements Made About The Irish Constitution Not Protecting the Right to Housing or Healthcare X Demographics (Q 4) No significant difference expressed by social class or region (Base: Adults ,005)
(6)(6) Summary of Key Findings When asked about the importance of the constitution the vast majority agree that it is of interest to them and impacts their everyday life. Over half incorrectly assumed that the constitution currently protects the right to housing and access to healthcare. When advised that the constitution does not currently protect these rights the majority think that the constitution should.