The effect of in-vehicle warning systems on speed compliance in work zones 報告者:楊子群 James Whitmire II a, ⇑, Justin F. Morgan, Tal Oron-Gilad c, P.A. Hancock
Goals and Hypotheses ReferenceMethodResultsDiscussionConclusion Research was to investigate the effectiveness of in-vehicle information technologies to influence driver speed compliance in work zones.
Goals and HypothesesReferenceMethodResultsDiscussionConclusion Reference
Participants Goals and HypothesesReferenceMethodResultsDiscussionConclusion 60 participants (27 males, 33 females). Driver’s license with at least 3 years of driving experience. Age:20-63 years. Mean age:33 years, standard deviation:12years. Normal hearing and had normal or corrected to normal vision.
Apparatus Goals and HypothesesReferenceMethodResultsDiscussionConclusion General Electric fixed-base, I-Sim Patrol Sim driving simulator(three flat screens) National Instruments LabVIEW This software, integrated with the simulator, recorded all information on the simulator network at a rate of 60 Hz / 每秒 60 次 (e.g., steering movement, brake and throttle inputs, and vehicle speed and position relative to other objects) Bluetooth wireless connection HP IPaq hx4700 Pocket PC Visual warnings 0.5 s on and 0.5 s off. Small speaker Auditory warnings Male’s voice Presented at 60 dbc
Experimental design and procedures Goals and HypothesesReferenceMethodResultsDiscussionConclusion 8.9 km2.1 km 40 khp105 khp Stop sign One single right turn Stop sign 7 min
Experimental design and procedures Goals and HypothesesReferenceMethodResultsDiscussionConclusion STEP1=> Participants were randomly assigned to one of the three stated levels. (auditory, visual, or no warning) STEP2=> informed consent process STEP3=> filled out 1.simulation sickness questionnaire as a pre-screening device 2.driving history questionnaire STEP4=> given a scripted verbal overview of the simulator followed by a orientation drive. STEP5=> pre-NASA-TLX STEP6=> began the actual test drive(approximately 7 min) STEP7=> post-experience instance of the simulation sickness questionnaire and NASA-TLX
Measures of driver response Goals and HypothesesReferenceMethodResultsDiscussionConclusion Speed before and within the work zone Total time in work zone Total time in violation Number of violations Duration of violations Lane deviation, acceleration, braking, and steering Subjective mental workload pre-post
Speed before and within the work zone Goals and HypothesesReferenceMethodResultsDiscussionConclusion pre-entry driving speeds, served to demonstrate that there were no significant group24 s mean32 s meanpost hoc comparisons Control56.8 kph54.2 kph A Visual47.6 kph43.3 kphB Audio40.7 kph40.0 kphB 24 s and 32 s post-work zone seed have significant.
Total time in work zone Goals and HypothesesReferenceMethodResultsDiscussionConclusion GroupMean /spost hoc comparisons Control159.2 A Visual180.1B Audio186.8B Analysis of variance revealed a marginal effect for total time in work zone F(2, 57) = 3.35, p =.08 Via Tukey’s procedure in a pairwise fashion:
Total time in violation Goals and HypothesesReferenceMethodResultsDiscussionConclusion The results for total time in violation showed statistically significant differences, F(2, 57) = 5.05, p <.01. post hoc comparisons with the use of the Dunnett’s C test: GroupMean /spost hoc comparisons Control70.6(44%) A Visual32.3(18%)B Audio12.6(7%)B
Number of violations Goals and HypothesesReferenceMethodResultsDiscussionConclusion showed no significant differences between these respective violation levels (p >.25).
Duration of violations Goals and HypothesesReferenceMethodResultsDiscussionConclusion The ANOVA indicated significant differences F(2, 59) = 8.81, p = Tukey-HSD revealed: GroupMean /sPost-compare Control25.7 A Visual8.9B Audio3.3B
Lane deviation, acceleration, braking, and steering Goals and HypothesesReferenceMethodResultsDiscussionConclusion lateral position following entrance into the work zone and subsequent vehicle position for the first 110 s of the test scenario. No significant differences between observed measures.
Subjective mental workload Goals and HypothesesReferenceMethodResultsDiscussionConclusion (pre – post) measures were significantly different. 1)Physical demand increased, t(19) = 2.82, p <.05 2)Effort increased, t(19) = 2.44, p <.05 3)Frustration decreased, t(19) = 3.52, p <.05
Goals and HypothesesReferenceMethodResultsDiscussionConclusion Multimodal presentation of these types of messages to be clearly received by the driver, with only a minimal change in cognitive workload. lack of other dynamic elements in the simulation as the driver traveled through the environment alone with no companion or on-coming traffic. results confirm that the audio modality is an effective channel through which to cue the driver during a critical event. results suggest there are indeed better ways to cue the driver to his or her speed within a work zone as compared to regular road signage
Goals and HypothesesReferenceMethodResultsDiscussionConclusion Providing more efficient information communication to the driver will potentially prove most beneficial. Driver message should begin with brief auditory and visual messages. (of duration no greater than a few seconds) Followed by only a visual warning message which remains visible until compliance or acknowledgment. In closing,further research is called for in the specific auditory and visual characteristics of such messages.