Flowers for Algernon Part Two
Vocabulary Practice page. 379 Answer True or False to the statements. 10. Apples and oranges are tangible. 11. A sudden noise might be a stimulus that makes someone jump. 12. If something happens invariably, nobody can predict it. 13. If you want to obscure something, you should let everyone see it. 14. If a boy cowered when his teacher spoke to him, he might be afraid of her.
Phonetic Spelling Charlie spells phonetically, or the way words sound. What are some words Charlie has spelled phonetically? shud, rite, happins
Why Algernon? The name Algernon comes from the Old French als gernons, meaning “with mustaches,” or “whiskered.” Why would Algernon be a good name for a mouse?
Questions After Reading 1. Define Foreshadowing 2. Knowing what happened to Charlie Gordon, would you pay the price he paid for the experience that he had? Why or why not? 3. How does the author show you that Charlie is becoming smarter? List examples. 4. Recall- what are some of the first things that Charlie loses when the experiment starts to fail? What does he fear losing the most? 5. Infer- when Charlie goes back to Miss Kinnian’s class, why does she start to cry and then run out of the room? 6. Draw conclusions- at the end of the story, why does Charlie decide to move away from New York?
Animal Testing- Journaling The use of animals in scientific and cosmetic testing is a very controversial subject. Supports point to scientific advancements and increased product safety; opponents see testing as cruel and unnecessary. If the intelligence experiment had worked, would Algernon’s death have been a price worth paying? Why or why not?
Types of Conflict What is the main conflict of the story? Explain why. Dr. Nemur vs. Dr. Strauss Charlie vs. his coworkers Scientific knowledge vs. ethical treatment of people Charlie vs. “normal culture”
Writing Time Do you consider “Flowers for Algernon” to be inspiring or tragic? Make sure you use details from the story to support your ideas. Use the following format to support your opinion. P- What is your main point? State your opinion clearly. E- What explanation can you give for your point? E- Find evidence or examples from the story to support your main point. C- Close your paragraph, linking back to your point.