Health Past Paper Questions
Health Gender Racial Group Employment Social Class Lifestyle diet exercise Smoking drinking Geographical area
Explain, in detail, the reasons why inequalities continue to exist in health in the UK. Paragraph Plan Point- state a reason for health inequality. Explain- say what this means. Example- back up your explanation with a relevant example.
Homework Inequalities continue to exist in wealth in the UK. Explain, in detail, the reasons why inequalities continue to exist in wealth in the UK. (8 marks)
Single Parent Families Racial Group Unemployment Low paid jobs Part time jobs Gender Wealth
Homework Some people think that welfare benefits should be increased while others disagree. Give one reason for increasing welfare benefits. AND Give one reason against increasing welfare benefits. (4 marks) 2009 Int 1 Q3b
Homework Answer For increasing benefits Reduces number of people living on low incomes. Reduces poverty – people can afford to heat their houses in winter. Tackles social exclusion. Improves health as people can afford better diets. People are not forced into taking low paid jobs. Against increasing benefits Expensive for taxpayer. Creates dependency culture. Disincentive to finding work.
Int Q3(a) The National Health Service in Scotland provides both primary and secondary health care services. Describe, in detail, primary and secondary health care services provided by the NHS in Scotland. (6 marks) 9 minutes
Int Q3(a) Answer Primary health care services GP practices – doctors/nurses/midwives/physiotherapists Primary Care Teams local health care co-operatives community health care programmes dental practitioners/opticians/pharmacists Secondary health care services acute hospital trusts hospital care – treatment, surgery, etc.
Int Q4b(i) Many people believe that private health care should be encouraged. Give the advantages and disadvantages of private health care. (8 marks) 12 minutes
Homework ( marks)