Community Voices in Health Dr. Kay Eilbert Interim Director of Public Health.


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Presentation transcript:

Community Voices in Health Dr. Kay Eilbert Interim Director of Public Health

Our Population Diverse Community (50% BME) ONS 226,000+ GP registered 260,000 Population Study 243,000 (our ONS estimate for 2031) 6th Highest NI and GP reg from overseas in London 30% of Population under 30 47,000 people live in social housing of which 65% live entirely on benefits 2,293 children live in single parent families in social housing With more than 3 children 3 of our wards have unemployment of over 19% Key Facts 7 year life expectancy gap between the North and South Biggest killers CVD and cancer Poor user/patient satisfaction Acute sector productivity poor Too many people die in hospital 8th highest mortality from diabetes

Address Causes and Symptoms

Challenges Reduce inequalities Improve choice and user satisfaction Improve quality and productivity Improve health of at risk population Population Growth Flat real terms funding Status quo not an option: - £24million deficit by 2014 if we do nothing

Making it happen 24 prioritised initiatives linked to our 10 priority outcomes and goals Clinical and stakeholder engagement JSNA and comparative benchmarking Healthcare for London pathway analysis Market Analysis – VFM, Quality, Capacity, Access, Priority setting evaluation – National priorities, health and cost benefits Clinical and stakeholder engagement Strategic Initiatives 1. Prevention + Early presentation + Intervention (e.g. obesity screening) 2. Choice + Access (e.g. mental health) Improved care pathways (e.g. cancer, EOLC) 3. Shifts from hospital to polysystem delivery (e.g. 40% acute activity) 4. Proactive case management for long term conditions (e.g. diabetes, CVD) 5. Effective use of market and contract management (e.g. POLCE)