Henry Clay’s American System By Joel Rodgers, Dirk Glenn, Emma McWilliams, Mason Anderson
Proposal for Interdependence Concentrated on Agriculture, Commerce, and Industry 3 Components ▫Protective Tariff on imported goods ▫A National Bank ▫Government subsidies for roads, canals, and turnpikes
Protective Tariff High Tax on imported goods Insured that citizens would buy American goods Protected the American industry Provided revenue for transportation improvements
National Bank Replaced Hamilton’s national bank Established sound credit Promoted a national currency
Transportation Proposed that new roads, canals, turnpikes and steamboats be built Would make transportation more efficient ▫More cost effective ▫Would take less time ▫Unified regions
Significance/ Nationalism Interdependence ▫South provided raw materials (cotton) ▫Land sales in the West funded transportation and provided food for New England ▫New England manufactured goods to sell back to the South and West Faster modes of transportation: ▫Allowed people to get out of their region ▫Made them feel like part of a larger cause ▫Enabled products to get from one part of the country to the other quickly