Class Rules and Procedures Mr. Allen’s Class Rules and Procedures
Expectations of Students Students are expected to: Show respect, not only to the teacher, but to the students and any school property they might use. Complete all work assigned to them. Be responsible for make-up work. Stay on task during the class period. Be responsible for any equipment damage while in their possession.
Expectations of the Teacher To be prepared. To return graded material in a timely manner. Show courtesy and respect to students. Work with students on an individual bases when needed.
Cell Phones Cell Phones may be used for educational purposes only. Must obtain permission before using your cell phone. Phones must be silenced before entering the classroom. If a cell phone is used for any other purpose other than approved by the teacher, it will be taken up and turned into the office.
English Only Classroom My classroom is a laboratory environment. Therefore, for your safety and mine, my classroom is an English only classroom. I must be able to monitor what is happening in the classroom at all time. Thank you for following this safety rule.
Class Behavior Rules All materials must be brought to class. Students are to be in the room by the end of the tardy bell.
Class Behavior Rules The student will keep hands and feet to themselves at all times. Do nothing that keeps me from teaching or anyone from learning.
Consequences Warning to student. More than one warning may be given depending on the circumstances. Parent or guardian will be contacted. Student will be sent to the office.
Need to Leave Class No Problem……if You are called by the office You have an early dismissal slip. You are on an activity list. You have a rest room pass. Use rest room after 1st 30 minutes of class. You are given a hall pass by a teacher. The pass must be worn at all times when in the hall. Failure to do so will result in disciplinary action. You are ill.
Computer Lab Rules No food, drinks, gum or candy allowed Before leaving the lab, make sure that your keyboard, mouse, mouse pad, monitor, and chair are in place.
Computer Lab Rules You are responsible for any damage to your work station. Work quietly and do not disturb others. Print only what is necessary. Do not download anything from the internet without permission. Do not use any disk not approved. No music CD’s allowed.
Tardies Students who are not in the room when the bell rings will be tardy.
Disciplinary Action for Tardies 1st two tardies per class each semester will not have a consequence. Assignment Options: Each subsequent tardy will require the student to serve two (2) hours D-Hall per tardy or the student my receive swats. D-Hall must be served sometime during the next two (2) scheduled D-Hall days following the tardy date. D-HALL LOCATION AND TIMES D-Hall will be in the AEP room. Monday – Thursday 3:45 – 5:45