1 Ohio Swiftwater Rescue Course Ohio Swiftwater Rescue Course
2 Instructor Introductions Instructor Introductions Student Introductions Student Introductions Manual Overview Manual Overview Agreement to participate/Rules and Regulations Agreement to participate/Rules and Regulations River Rescue pre-test River Rescue pre-test Book introduction Book introduction Ultimate safety of the rescuer Ultimate safety of the rescuer Techniques must be simple Techniques must be simple Equipment must be practical Equipment must be practical SANE approach SANE approach
3 SANE S– Step by step practice beginning with self- rescue A– Always provide adequate backup N– Never take a chance E—Every time you can’t beat the river
4 History of Swiftwater Rescue There has been at least one major flood a year in Ohio for the past 20 years. There has been at least one major flood a year in Ohio for the past 20 years. This is why we train This is why we train This is why we rescue This is why we rescue Administrative Section—River Rescue Manual. Administrative Section—River Rescue Manual. Acknowledgement Section—River Rescue Manual Acknowledgement Section—River Rescue Manual
5 Course Outline Terminal Learning Objective--At the end of this course the student will know the hazards of moving water and be able to perform operation level swiftwater rescues Terminal Learning Objective--At the end of this course the student will know the hazards of moving water and be able to perform operation level swiftwater rescues
6 Rules and Regulations 1. No Alcohol is allowed on the premises 2. No smoking in the classroom 3. Please turn all cell phones on silent 4. Appropriate personal gear must be worn for the cold weather and cold water immersion protection during the outside water sessions. 5. A life jacket (PFD) must be worn at all times during the practical sessions. 6. No smoking is allowed during the practical sessions or around gas cans and lines. 7. No unsupervised skill practice is allowed during the course. 8. Participation is mandatory to receive certification. 9. Attention and cooperation must be paid to the instructors especially during the practical sessions and the pool sessions. Additional safety instructions will be implemented at each site according to the hazards present.
7 Requirements 1. Student must read and sign the Agreement to participate form. 2. Student must attend and participate in all sessions, including the classroom, pool, and outdoor sessions. 3. Student must pass swim test. 4. Student must pass practical portion of class with 100% accuracy. 5. Student must pass written test portion of class with 75% accuracy or better.
8 Course Schedule
9 Student Performance Objectives Operational Level 1. Given a multiple choice question, the student will identify the SANE approach according to the class materials. 2. Given a multiple choice question, the student will identify the 7 reasons why rescues fail according to the class materials. 3. Given a list of the signs and symptoms of hypothermia, the student will list them in order of appearance according to the class materials. 4. Given a multiple choice question, the student will identify the field treatment for hypothermia and cold water near drowning according to the class materials. 5. Given a diagram of the cross section of a lowhead dam, the student will match the corresponding parts according to the class materials. 6. Given river hazards and characteristics, the student will match them with the corresponding description. 7. Given a diagram of a river section, the student will match the current differentials according to the class materials. 8. Given a diagram of a hypothetical creek and a multiple choice question, the student will identify the velocity of the hypothetical creek according to the class materials.
10 SPO’s Continued 9. Given diagrams of a river, the student will draw boat movement of river tactics for each situation according to the class materials. 10. Given a fill-in the blank question, the student will list in order the 5 steps of the rescue sequence according to the class materials. 11. Given a diagram of the movable control point technique, the student will match the line positions according to the class materials. 12. Given a diagram of the tag line rescue technique, the student will label members of the rescue team according to the class materials. 13. Given a fill-in the blank question, the student will list the 4 resources for locating hazards according to the class materials. 14. Given a fill-in the blank question, the student will list the 4 water levels at which a hazard survey should be performed according to the class materials. 15. Given a body of water and PPE, the student will demonstrate how to properly enter the water using the stride entry, compact entry and unknown hazard entry techniques according to the class material. 16. Given line, webbing, and prusik cord, the student will tie a bowline, double figure 8-loop, figure 8, figure 8 on bight, figure 8 on a bend, water knot, double fisherman’s knot and prusik knot, according to the class lesson plan.
11 More SPO’s 17. Given a shore rescue situation and throw bags, the student will demonstrate an ability to throw a rescue bag to a simulated victim and perform a throw bag rescue according to the class lesson plan. 18. Given a boat, webbing and water situation, the student will demonstrate the proper technique for performing a controlled capsizing/swamping/”sea anchor”, then right the boat utilizing flip lines according to the class lesson plan. 19. Given a self-rescue situation, the student will demonstrate both self-rescue and survival swimming skills, according to the class lesson plan. 20. Given a rescue situation, equipment, and a team, the student will demonstrate tension diagonals, zip lines, snag, and stabilization lines to rescue a simulated victim, according to the class lesson plan. 21. Given a self-rescue situation, the student will demonstrate self-rescue according to the class lesson plan.
12 More SPO’s 22. Given a shore assisted rescue situation, equipment, and a team, the student will demonstrate a Tag-line rescue according to the class lesson plan. 23. Given a boat and river situation, the student will demonstrate an eddy turn, peel-out, exiting an eddy and heading upstream, forward ferry, ascending a river and descending a river according to the class lesson plan. 24. Given a boat based rescue situation, equipment, and a team, the team will demonstrate that they can assist a swiftwater technician in a Two-boat tether rescue according to the class lesson plan. 25. Given a boat assisted rescue situation, equipment, and a team, the student will demonstrate how to assist a swiftwater technician in set-up of a boat assisted rescue technique (High-line, MCP) according to the class lesson plan.