Welcome to Mrs. Lookabaugh’s Science Classroom
Who am I? Who are you? Please fill in the info sheet, index card and seating chart.
How this class will work… and you will achieve success! Learn and follow: Classroom Expectations Classroom Procedures
Classroom Expectations You will be in your seat when the bell rings and ready to begin class with all your materials.
You will RESPECT all people and property. 1. Clean up your work area 2. Stay out of other’s belongings 3. Take nothing out of the room you didn’t bring in 4. Refrain from attacking others verbally and physically 5. Stop talking and listen
Work the entire time in class and follow classroom procedures. This includes school rules.
Listen and follow directions. If you don’t understand something you should raise your hand for clarification but always read and listen to instructions.
Don’t create classroom disturbances
Other Expectations:
Classroom Policies andProcedures 1. I dismiss you NOT the bell. 2. ID’s and agendas to leave the classroom
Classroom Procedures cont. 3. Label papers with name, date, and hr in upper right hand corner. 4. Stay in your seat unless given permission to leave your seat. Raise your hand for assistance. 5. Do Not talk to others without permission.
6. You need a notebook, paper, pencil, eraser and book EVERY day in class. Your notebook should have a ctr section to hold paper/handouts and pockets to place materials.
7. I only accept work I can read. If I can’t read it, it won’t be graded.
Late Work Policy Late work will be accepted one day late for half credit. Late work will not be accepted after one day late.
8. When visitor’s come to class remain focused on your work. 9. If you finish your work early refrain from distracting others.
Behavior Consequences 1.Conference with student. 2.Assignment of discipline. 3.Parent is notified. 4.Referral to Principal. 5.Severe disruption of class will result in immediate referral.
Emergencies !!! Fire – Leave out nearest unblocked exit and meet as class south of campus. Injury to someone - Immediately tell teacher. Remain calm.
In case of tornado, put on Your helmet. Go to room 403 and get under desks move against the N wall. Crouch down and cover your head.
MPS Handbook Highlights for you to KNOW
Academic Expectations Progress Reports Dates: September 12, 2014 January 23, 2015 October 3, 2014 February 13, 2015 October 31, 2014 March 12, 2015 November 21, 2014 April 17, 2015 May 8, 2015 Academic Misconduct – Cheating/Plagiarism = zero College will make you leave
Attendance/Check In/Out 10 absences 2 tardies = 1 absence 5 minutes late = ABSENCE Must check out/in through grade office Make up work 1 day for each day absent
Dress Code Changes: p 36 Shorts – appropriate if no undergarments showing, covers entire pelvis area and nothing inappropriate can be seen. Leggings – Must have shirt cover pelvis Shirts- no chest seen, no tanks, straps Holes in Jeans – Not in the area of pelvis hips Shoes - No house shoes
Bullying/Fighting First offense – 3 days suspension $250 fine Gets much worse after this… JUST SAY NO!
Cell PHONES OFF/Out of sight unless told ahead of time that we will be using these for our lesson.