Quickdraw by Carol Ann Duffy PROMPT CARD
Pick FIVE language devices/phrases that reinforce the idea of a Western shootout Use the LANGUAGE DEVICES checklist to help you
Pick ONE structural technique that supports the image of a Western shootout Use the STRUCTURAL DEVICES checklist to help you
Speaking Frame Now, complete the structured speaking frame for the poem Quickdraw
How has Duffy show the argument between the lovers in her poem Quickdraw? Intro: The poem Quickdraw by Carol Ann Duffy explores the concept of a battle to show a fierce argument between two lovers in the early stages of their relationship. P.E.A 1: Initially, Duffy cleverly replaces phones with guns…..(embed quote)
P.E.Analysis Duffy’s use of…………………………………………..(language technique) highlights………. In addition the use of……………………….gives the impression…………… Possibly, Duffy
Complete P.E.A 2 and 3 individually Use the coloured (pink, yellow, green) guides to help you.