House Rules 1)To be on time is to be in your seat. 2)Come to class prepared! This counts as 10% of your grade. 3)Treat every one with respect at all times. 4)No cell phone use allowed without permission. THIS is your warning. If it is out, it will be collected until the end of class. 5)You must ask permission to leave class for any reason. Not doing so will result in a write up. 6)To be dismissed, you must be seated.
Classroom Norms Be Present and Engaged- Monitor Air Time and Share Your Voice- limit distractions, No Cell Phones or Sleeping! Monitor Air Time and Share Your Voice- Challenge With Respect- you’ll know which applies to You! Challenge With Respect- Be Solutions Oriented- disagreements can be healthy, respect all ideas and each other Be Solutions Oriented- Risk Productive Struggle- for the good of the group, look for the possible! Risk Productive Struggle- this is a safe place to get out of your comfort zone!
Discussion Norms You have the right to… Make a contribution to an attentive, responsive audience.Make a contribution to an attentive, responsive audience. Ask questions that clarify and advance your understanding.Ask questions that clarify and advance your understanding. Be treated civilly.Be treated civilly. Have your ideas discussed.Have your ideas discussed. You are obligated to… Speak so that everyone can hear.Speak so that everyone can hear. Speak one at a time.Speak one at a time. Listen for understanding.Listen for understanding. Agree or disagree (and explain why) in response to other people’s ideas.Agree or disagree (and explain why) in response to other people’s ideas. Critique ideas, not peopleCritique ideas, not people.