Encounters in East Asia
Arnold the Governater in “Conan the Barbarian” Barbarians? The people of China thought that Europeans were barbarians. Europeans thought the Chinese were very advanced, and enjoyed the metalwork they did. Arnold the Governater in “Conan the Barbarian” Fireworks Silk Gunpowder
Ming “Our Empire Owns the World” Chinese products were better than European ones, so the Europeans had nothing to trade with the Chinese. Chinese accepted Gold and Silver for trade instead.
Ming, continued At the end of the trading season, Europeans had to leave China. Matteo Ricci: European who studied Chinese, helped Europe understand China
More Missionaries Europeans sent missionaries to convert the Chinese to Christianity. Many Chinese chose not to convert to Christianity, but enjoyed learning about the Renaissance.
Qing (Ching) Dynasty Takes Over The Manchus ruled over Manchuria, north of China. They invaded China and set up the Qing dynasty. The Manchus as well as the Chinese shared positions in the new government. Question: Why would putting Chinese in local government positions make the new government more popular?
Qianlong (Chyan lung) Expanded China’s borders under his rule to largest in China’s history. Ruled for 60 years.
Korea Invaded first by the Japanese, then by Qing in China Koreans were allowed to have their own state, but forced to accept China’s dominance over them. Modern Day Korean Peninsula. Can you see the technological differences between North and South Korea?
Korean Isolation Koreans chose to isolate themselves from all other foreigners after the Japanese and Chinese invasions. Sailors who landed on the Korean coast were sent to prison or killed. Europeans called Korea the “Hermit Kingdom”
Monument to Christian Martyr in Nagasaki, Japan Europeans arrived in Japan and traded guns with the government, which the Japanese government used to keep the Japanese people in order. Many Japanese converted to Christianity. Monument to Christian Martyr in Nagasaki, Japan
Japan turns to isolation Leaders believed that the Europeans were trying to take over their country. Japanese Christians were persecuted, and Europeans were banned from Japan. Ban lasted for over 200 years. Celebrating Christian mass in Japan St. Sebastian Martyred in Japan
First Shogun of the Kamakura Shogunate Japan (Isolation) Shogun: Japanese heads of government Shogunate: Japanese Kingdom “A King is to a kingdom as a shogun is to a shogunate” Minamoto no Yoritomo First Shogun of the Kamakura Shogunate Tokugawa Leyasu