Vedic Mathematics Multiplication in Vedic Mathematics By Mrs.Jayashree Agasti TGT(Mathematics) K.V.No.1, Indore
Urdhvatiryakgbhyam It is the general formula applicable to all cases of multiplication the Sutra consists of only one compound word means vertically and crosswise. Ex. 12 x 13 1) we multiply 2 and 3 vertically and 6 is the right most part of the answer.
1 2 X Multiply 1 by 3 and 1 by 2 and add the sum to get 5and set it as the middle part of the answer.
1 2 X Multiply left digits ( 1 X 1) vertically and set the product as the left part of the answer.
1 2 X If any product is a two digit number then carry over the digit to the left digit.
Examples 3 7 X 3 3 _____________________ 9 3X3+7X Ans :
The algebraic principle involved in this is ax + b X cx + d _______________ acx 2 + (ad + bc )x + bd In this the first and the last terms are the vertical multiplications and the middle term is the cross multiplication and addition.
Now if our multiplication is of 3 digits then it is as follows. ax 2 +bx+c X dx 2 +ex+f adx 4 +x 3 (ae+bd)+x 2 (af+cd+be)+x(bf+ce)+cf