Sentence Patterns
Pattern 1 Subject + Action Verb (Intransitive) The teacher walked into the room. subject AV
Pattern 2 Sentence Subject – Linking Verb– Subjective Complement Ms. Lawrence is very ugly. Subject LV Complement
Pattern 3 Sentences subject + action verb + direct object The committee approved our proposal. Subject AV DO
Pattern 4 Sentences Subject – Action Verb– Indirect Object – Direct Object My father bought me a sweater. Subject AV IO DO
Pattern 5 Sentences SUBJECT – Action Verb– DO – Object Complement (noun or adjective) The parents consider the child clever. subject AV DO OC
Practice Sentences The parents consider the child a genius. Joe ran the skunk over with his car. Harry jumped off the box. During practice today, coach hit me the ball. By late this afternoon, the campus will be empty.
Sentence Diagrams
Pattern 1 Subject Action Verb p a r a d e d j p object v
Pattern 2 Subject Linking Verb complement
Pattern 3 Subject Action Verb Direct Object
Pattern 4 subject action verb D.O. Indirect Object
Pattern 5 subject AV D. O. Object complement