Chapter 20 Section 2 Directed Reading pg 580-583 http://my. hrw Chapter 20 Section 2 Directed Reading pg 580-583 login: rutes1 pass: j8m3u
Read Pg 580 1) What are some properties of waves? 2) Describe the relationship between amplitude, and wave energy. Go to the Physical Science Glossary App. Click on Sound and Waves. Watch the video for Amplitude.
Reflect: Slinkies Think about your slinky observations. How can you change the amplitude of the waves when shaking the slinky? Draw some pictures to explain.
Read pg581 3) Describe the relationship between wavelength and energy. Go to the Physical Science Glossary App. Watch the video for Wavelength.
Slinky Reflection….. How did you change the wavelengths of your slinky? What did it look like when you made waves with a short wavelength vs. a long wavelength. Draw pictures and label them. How are compressions/rarefactions different from crests/troughs?
Read pg 582- Frequency 4) How is frequency measured? What unit of measurement is used? 5) What is the relationship between frequency and energy? Go to the Physical Science Glossary App. Click on Sound & Waves. Watch the video on Frequency.
Slinky Reflection….. * How did the frequency of the waves you made with your slinky change? What did you have to do to the slinky to make it change? Draw some pictures and explain.
Read pg 582-583; Wave Speed Challenge: Math Focus Do the math focus problems at the bottom of pg 582. What is the relationship between wave speed, frequency, and wavelength. If you change one of them, what happens to the others? Give some examples.
For An Extra Challenge Go to the SimPhysics App: Complete the Wave Motion 1 activity. Make a page in your science notebook and write about your observations. Go to the SimPhysics App: Complete the Wave Motion 2 activity. Make a page in your science notebook and write about your observations. Go to the Science 360 App; Find a video to watch, and write about it in your science notebook. If you are not signed up on SimPhysics Dowload the app Use your school login/pass and sign up
Watch this….. ?v=7nS_aR8XX_U ?v=aif5mxf5DtU ?v=zHgHSG96RHE